"Stolen Moments"

Mar 27, 2011 22:41

Title: Stolen Moments
Author: museme87
Pairing: Lily/James
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 524
Warnings: None
Summary: One night in the Head common room James and Lily connect.
Author's Note: Written for James' 51st birthday! He is one of my very favorite characters and deserves all the love, which he often doesn't get. Prompt given by liebedance, but I failed at her UST request.

"You're a godsend, James Potter," Lily moans.

He smiles-unable to control the upwards twitch of his lips-at the look of sheer contentment on Lily's face. James would give all the Galleons in his vault to be able to bring her to such a state more often. Things have been better between them lately. James hasn't been pushing her to her wits' end anymore, hasn't been speaking without thinking or showing off for her attention. Yet, Lily still seems flustered by him somehow. Flustered and irked, and James doesn't know how to improve their almost friendship.

"Oh yes," she whimpers. "Right there."

As he rubs the spot on her sole again, he thinks that foot massages might be a brilliant place to start. James thinks about all the lewd comments he could make about her moaning under his touch, but he's not a fifth year anymore. Time has taught him that sexual comments will not win him fair Miss Evans' heart. What will win him her heart, however, he has yet to discover.

"You know, I ought to get on that Transfiguration essay."

"Don't you dare stop!"

James feels her dig her free toes into his rib cage at the tease and squirms away with a laugh. Her own laugh-complete with irrepressible snorts-accompanies his. It's so unique, and while snorting while laughing isn't flattering, there is something about it that he loves. A flaw, he thinks. Lily is so much more than the perfect girl he made her out to be all those years. She's still deserving of a pedestal, but because she has quirks, not because she lacks them.

Glancing over at her, he sees her watching him, green eyes dancing. Sometimes when James is having a moment of pure delusion, sometimes when he thinks of her looking at him like she looks at him now-which is becoming more frequent these days-James imagines that there might be something happening between them.

Mental, he knows, but that doesn't stop him from massaging her feet just a bit slower, from fluttering his fingertips against her ankles. Anything, really, just to be able to touch her a little while longer.

"It's a shame we couldn't have always gotten along like this," Lily says, with a peaceful sigh. "It's nice. Even on rubbish days like these you somehow manage to make me laugh."

"I try."

And it's the truth. He's smitten, love struck, love's bitch; whatever adjective is best applied, he's it. Perhaps it's because he's so struck by her that he can't get his mouth moving as she sits up on the couch in their common room. Or maybe it has something to do with the brief flash of knickers. Or it could be due to the way she's leaning close to him just now.

"Thank you. Really, James." She takes his hand and squeezes it tightly. "Thanks for just…being here. Being you."

With a kiss to his forehead-quick, yet earth shattering-she leaves him for her room, no doubt due to the late hour, and James is left soaring to a place he's sure is greater than any paradise.

genre: romance, year: 2011, c: lily evans, rating: pg, c: james potter, p: lily/james, length: 0-1k

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