(no subject)

Jan 20, 2011 11:09

Title : A picky customer
Beta : minniesaranghae 
Genre : AU, Romance, Crack, Fluff
Pairing : Yunjae / 2min (light)
Length :  4500wo
Rating : PG-13
Summary : This was Jaejoong's first day at work, why did it have to be him dealing with this kind of customer?
A/N : Plot by yuki_3

Sighing for the nth time, a young man was getting bored. He didn’t know what to do. Being on a leave probably wasn’t the best thing for him, since he was more like a workaholic than a couch potato. He tided his whole apartment so he would be busy, took a shower, he even washed his clothes. Finally, he sat on his couch and started to change channels every second or so. How boring. Picking up his phone, he dialed a number he knew by heart.

“What do you want Yunho?” the others voice immediately said, emotionless.

“What a greeting,” the said Yunho let out a sigh. “Can’t I call my best friend without a reason?”

“No. Come on, spill the beans,” his best friend smiled.

“Do you want to go to lunch with me somewhere? I’m getting bored.”

“Let me check first… Hm, I have nothing else to do; I guess I can come with you.”

“Yah Changmin-ah!” Yunho exclaimed with a laugh.

“Hm? Got a problem with that? Anyway, there’s a restaurant near my apartment, want to try?” Changmin proposed to his best friend.

Yunho accepted of course and they hung up. The young man got dressed with a dark blue shirt, black pants and a black vest. Five minutes later, he was out of his apartment heading towards the place they would meet.

His best friend arrived at the same time and they entered the restaurant. ‘You didn’t tell me we would eat Japanese.’ Yunho murmured to his friend when his saw some Japanese posters. ‘Well, I didn’t know either. Quit sulking.’

- - - -

Walking back and forth, a young man was breathing deeply. In five minutes, he would be at the restaurant. Everything had to be perfect. He looked at his reflection in the mirror once again to check if his hair was good. The minute after, he left his apartment; it was already fifteen to eleven.

When he arrived to his work place, he greeted his colleagues and went to his locker where he found his work clothes (black vest without sleeves, and a white shirt). He heard the chef calling his waiters and the young man joined them. The chef encouraged them to do their best and when he finished talking and the other waiters left, he called the new waiter.

“Jaejoong, if you need anything you can ask the others or me, okay?”

“O-Okay. Thank you Minho-sshi,” the said Jaejoong bowed.

The young man started to prepare the tables with all the glasses and napkins. Since they finished twenty minutes early, they had time to kill until they would open the restaurant. Jaejoong went back to the locker and ate a snack; he was getting nervous since it was his first day. He needed to eat to relieve the pressure, only for a few minutes.

Breathing deeply for the last time, he came back into the restaurant hall when the first customers came. Keeping an eye on his colleagues’ behaviour, Jaejoong picked two menus and walked towards two men who were already seated.

- - - -

The minute after Yunho and Changmin were placed, a young man came to them, all smiling. Changmin couldn’t help but think that if the service would be that fast, he’d come every day.

“Hello, welcome to Kadoya!” Jaejoong exclaimed. “Here. I’ll give you a few minutes to decide,” he added as he held the menus to them.

The waiter left them and went to the counter to discuss a bit with one colleague. Yunho, on the other hand, spoke once the other was away.

“Did you see how cute the waiter is? I swear I’m about to squeal,” he murmured, eyes glued to Jaejoong.

“Just give me the menus.”

“Oh come on, you’ve got to admit he’s really cute.”

“Well excuse my straight eyes for not noticing. Now, give me the menus,” Changmin sighed while stealing one menu from his friend’s hand.

As soon as he opened the menu, he was pretty amazed at all the meals the restaurant proposed. He lowered Yunho’s head with his hand out of nowhere murmuring that he had to choose too. They both noticed that Kadoya specialized in sushi, sashimi and rolls. ‘Hm… This looks pretty good.’ Changmin licked his lips inwardly.

“I want to tease him,” Yunho decided with a smile. “I’d like to see how he would look when he’s troubled.”

The other shrugged while letting out a sigh, as long as he would have his food in due time, he didn’t really care. His best friend stared back at the menu, thinking about how he would play a prank on the waiter. Speaking of which, the latter came back with a smile.

“So, can I take your order?” Jaejoong asked when he picked his little notepad and a pen.

“Yes, so I’ll start,” Yunho’s friend decided to speak first. “I’ll have three salmon sushi, three tuna sushi, six California roll… and two shrimp rolls.”

“… Wow,” the waiter couldn’t help but whisper in awe. “What do you want in your California rolls, cucumber or avocado?”

‘Cucumber will do, thanks.’ His first customer replied. He turned to the other man who was already staring at him. ‘What’s the chef choice?’ Jaejoong thought hard to remember what his boss told him.

“Shrimp tempura, with spicy tuna and his special salad.”

“Hm… Then no,” Yunho pouted as he looked at the menu for the nth time.

The waiter waited patiently and when the other young man added a ‘Can I have that too, please?’ he couldn’t help but hide his chuckle behind the back of his hand. That was an interesting customer! He just needed to take the other man’s order and everything would be great.

“I’d like to have soba noodles with shrimps.”

“I’m sorry but we don’t offer that, sir,” Jaejoong apologized with a little smile.

“Is there no way that I can have my soba noodles?” Yunho insisted, showing him his puppy eyes and smiling inwardly at the waiter’s cuteness. “With shrimps?”

“I-I… I-I don’t know.”

Jaejoong started to get even more nervous than he already was. Man, this was his first day, why did it have to be him dealing with this kind of customer? ‘Oh my God. What do I do? What do I do?’ He felt sweat running down his spine, and when he started to stutter, that was not good. He would loose his credibility. And it wasn’t the man’s fault! Neither his! He had to satisfy this customer’s will but the restaurant didn’t propose those soba noodles with shrimps! He was so screwed.

“I-I… I’ll ask t-the chef,” the waiter murmured before rushing behind the counter, to the kitchen.

“Is there a problem, Jaejoong?” one of the cooks asked with concern, upon seeing the young man’s face. “Boss, Jaejoong is out of shape.”

When Jaejoong came to the chef, the latter saw his employee on the verge of crying, murmuring something like ‘Red alert! I don’t know what to do, Minho-sshi!’ He asked what was wrong, maybe the waiter provoked an accident, maybe he forgot an order… he didn’t know. And when Jaejoong told him what happened, he told everything, like… everything.

“The first one is like ‘ok so I’d like three salmon sushi, three tuna sushi, six California rolls, two shrimp rolls’ and he wanted cucumber in the California rolls and I chuckled and the other was like ‘what’s the chef’s choice’, you know your choice, and I said your choice and then he was like ‘okay so no’ but the other was like ‘can I have that too’ with everything else and then the other was like ‘I’d like soba noodles’ and that’s something not on the menuuu! And I was like ‘we don’t do that’ and he was like ‘is there no way’ and I was like ‘I’ll ask the chef’ and I don’t know what to do, he really wants those soba noodles! With shrimps! What do I do? What do I say??”

“Soba noodles with shrimps? I guess I can do that for him,” Minho answered a bit amused at his interlocutor’s attitude. “Just breathe.”

Jaejoong, with stars in his eyes, thanked his ‘boss’ and felt relieved. He may have overreacted, but it was his first day, he wanted to do his best. He gave the two men’s order to the other cooks and left the place to join his first customers in the other room.

- - - -

“You’re such a kid,” Changmin rolled his eyes. “I’m sure my meals won’t come that fast now, thanks to you.”

“I don’t regret it, you got to admit he looked really cute there, right?” Yunho turned to his friend, smiling all goofily.

“Oh yes, Yunho. He looked so cute I want to pinch his cheeks, oh yes~” the other man replied to him with a flat voice.

Yunho gave his best friend a death glare while punching his shoulder. It was really fun to tease the waiter; he would like to do it again through the entire lunch if he wasn’t able to have his noodles. Though he really wondered if the chef would accept his request, he didn’t have a clue. Killing the time, Yunho looked at is reflection on the knife and earned a ‘Mirror, oh Mirror, who’s the prettiest girl in the wooooorld~?’ by Changmin.

The latter gave him a nudge, informing implicitly that someone was coming towards them. When Yunho put the knife back, he lifted his head to see the waiter walking towards them with a big smile. The young man swore he never saw something more beautiful.

“I’m sorry for the wait. So, I asked the chef and he accepted to do that for you,” Jaejoong smiled, relieved for being able to satisfy his customer’s will.

“Thank you very much,” Changmin replied the minute after since Yunho was in his thoughts. “I wanted to ask: will my meals come before his?”

“I… think so. Your friend ordered for something that’s not on the menu so I guess you would be able to eat before him,” the waiter chuckled at the man’s question. “Would you like something else?”

Yunho was in deep thoughts, like totally mezmerized by the waiter’s behaviour. How can someone be that cute? He kept staring at him and his best friend asked if he could have some appetizer like shrimp chips.

“Oh my, I’m so sorry I forgot! I’m kind of new here…” Jaejoong confessed shyly. “If you need anything, call me.”

“I think I have a crush on him,” Yunho murmured as soon as the young man left.

His friend gave him a ‘oh-really’ glare and started to eat those shrimp things. Yunho was still staring at his favourite waiter dreamily. He couldn’t help not taking his eyes off his silhouette, his perfect black hair, his beautiful eyes, and his gorgeous smile. He was completely under the man’s spell. ‘He’s perfect.’

“Don’t drool so much, man. Save some saliva for your noodles,” Changmin teased his best friend when he ate the last of the shrimp chips.

Yunho shook his head and let out a sigh. Why did he have to be the one who liked the waiter? It sounded so cliché... yet so true.

A few minutes later, Changmin’s meals came one by one and the latter couldn’t help but feel lucky. All those dishes -except the chef’s choice which needed to be hot-, only for him and before Yunho! Of course, he didn’t wait for him, who knew when those noodles would be served?

- - - -

Jaejoong felt better when his ‘boss’ told him he accepted to cook the famous noodles. It was his first day and something like that happened to him, he wasn’t really lucky. Besides, he felt for some unknown reason that the customer was staring at him a lot. He didn’t know why.

He leaned on the counter, waiting for the meals to come. A few minutes later, one of the cooks walked towards him.

“There the chef’s choice and the noodles,” he said.

The waiter left him, not wanting to waste a second as he made his way to his customers’ table. He put the dishes in front of the two men and smiled at them again, asking if they needed something else. The men shook their heads and he was already greeting other customers the second after.

“Did you forget your plan or did this gorgeous man make you forget your plan?” Changmin mocked his friend as he began his last dish.

“Shut up. I don’t want to tease him anymore, he might cry,” Yunho replied. “Though I have to admit he was cuter when he was troubled.”

“I told you, I’m straight. Now, stop talking and eat your delishus noodles, I’ll do it if you don’t.”

Lack of reaction from Yunho made Changmin steal some noodles, startling him. Starting to eat away from Changmin, he wondered if it was good to annoy the waiter a bit more. He didn’t really want to but his inner voice told him to play a little. Besides, Changmin insisted even more. ‘Okay, fine, you win,’ he finally said, rolling his eyes.

He wanted to grab a napkin, though he realized there was none. Really, that cute guy did it on purpose. This was an opportunity and he was willing to take it. Waving at his crush, the young man walked towards Yunho and Changmin’s table.

“Is there a problem, sir?”

“We don’t have napkins…” Yunho stated slowly as if he wanted to make the other feeling guiltier.

Jaejoong widened his eyes and felt his heart pound like crazy. There. Were. No. Napkins. Why? Why did he forget the napkins? Where were they by the way? Panic struck him. He bowed and turned to look for those napkins. Why did it have to be him? He rushed to one of his colleagues and came back with the infamous napkins right away.

“I-I’m so sorry,” Jaejoong bowed once again. “I’m so nervous. Do you need anything else?”

“Yeah actually, can we have more water, please?” Yunho asked with a smile.

“O-Of course! I… I’ll be right back!” the waiter headed towards the counter to look for a bottle of water.

Meanwhile Yunho was completely chuckling upon seeing his crush getting troubled, looking so cute, rushing to his colleagues, walking nervously in the room. Damn he was cute. He directly thought it had a thing to do with his order and all the things he asked. The young man wouldn’t have acted that way otherwise.

“I think he likes me. Look at him all nervous now. I’m sure that cutie couldn’t resist my smile.”

His friend couldn’t help but let out a laugh, almost choking on his salad. He coughed hard, drank some water and sighed. Yunho was really clueless.

“He told you he was new here, that means it’s his first day and since you’re acting like a magic eight ball, asking for random things, he gets even more nervous,” Changmin ended his sentence, rolling his eyes once again.

“Yes! He’s nervous because of me!”

“I really feel like I’m talking to a wall, you only hear what you want to hear.”

- - - -

About ten minutes later, Changmin finished all his dishes while his friend was still busy staring at the waiter. The other was getting impatient, like really. The noodles were turning cold, it’s like wasting food. He didn’t like the word ‘waste’.

“God, eat your noodles already! You’re like a child eating in front of the TV!”

“Maybe there’s a problem with the noodles?” Jaejoong said with concern as he started to take Changmin’s plates to put on his tray.

“Hey, he’s talking to you,” the latter whispered while nudging at his best friend. “Please excuse him, he often daydreams.”

Jaejoong couldn’t help himself but chuckle; the two men in front of him were a funny pair. He left with his tray before taking care of the other customers in the room. Yunho’s friend grabbed the noodle’s plate but the other man stopped him, a hand on his wrist saying something like ‘they’re already cold’.

“This is still food,” Changmin replied, raising his eyebrows. “Okay, enough is enough. Jung Yunho, you’re annoying me! Just confess already or do something please but do not waste more food in front of me. Got it?”

The other man smiled while scratching the back of his head. His friend could be really serious when talking about food. That was a sensitive topic. They talked for a while until they finally finished their meal. The waiter appeared again and brought their bill. The two men paid for their own order and Jaejoong felt the need to bow again.

“I’m so sorry for all the mistakes I’ve done. I hope you had a nice time, though. Feel free to come anytime,” he gave them a smile.

Yunho and Changmin nodded while getting dressed, the taller man glared at his friend when the third man left them. ‘I know I know,’ Yunho murmured. He walked towards the counter, following his favourite waiter when the other seemed surprised to see him again.

“Oh! Would you like something else?”

“Your number?”

“I… I’m not sure I understand…” Jaejoong answered, feeling uneasy suddenly.

“Well you see… I only wanted to tease you, though I wasn’t making fun of you- No! I only wanted to… Well I think you’re cute and… Just wanted to… So yes, I’m sorry,” Yunho rambled as he scratched his head awkwardly. “Can I have your number?”

Jaejoong was completely astonished; he really didn’t see that coming! The other man was only teasing him? Now he wanted to have his number? That was quite unexpected.

“I didn’t really want those soba noodles with shrimp you know,” his customer added with a smirk.

The waiter hid his mouth behind the back of his hand and chuckled. He felt himself blushing in front of that handsome man. Wait, handsome? He was so nervous that he didn’t really notice how appealing that man was. He blushed even more, causing the other to speak again.

“You’re really cute…”


“You’re really cute, Jaejoong,” Yunho smiled before asking for an answer.

The waiter just took a napkin and wrote his number on it then handed to him. ‘What time does your shift end?’ The younger man tried to not show his excitement even if his heart was pounding like crazy. ‘In two hours I think. Why?’ ‘I’ll pick you up.’ Yunho smiled, even winked at him before leaving the restaurant with his friend.

Jaejoong felt that it was a good day, despite his previous thoughts.

- - - -

“Geez, calm down. You saw him yesterday. Don’t tell me mister Yunho is starting to get addicted…” a young man mocked his best friend over the phone.

“It was three days ago, and no I’m not addicted, it’s just that I… need to see my boyfriend, that’s all. Come on, hurry up, I’m waiting in front of your building.”

Changmin shook his head with a sigh before hanging up. His friend seemed a bit attached to the waiter. He didn’t even know how Yunho succeeded in not asking him to go to the infamous restaurant the day before. As soon as he saw his friend, the latter urged him to hurry up. Yep, pretty addicted.

When Yunho entered the restaurant, his eyes were already looking for his boyfriend. Jaejoong walked towards him them and smiled even more. Because some people were already there, the young man only slipped his hand in Yunho’s discretely while whispering ‘hi’. ‘Hi’ was all that Yunho could say, failing at trying to hide his blush. The two men were too mezmerized by each other until they heard something growling.

“Sorry to interrupt your oh-so-fluffeh moment but, I’m hungry…” Changmin announced before gulping when he received his friend’s glare.

“Oh right! I’m sorry! Please, take a seat,” Jaejoong apologized as he showed them a table. “Here the menus,” he added with a smile.

When the waiter disappeared to welcome other customers, Yunho couldn’t take off his eyes of him. Why would he want to look at something else? Changmin rolled his eyes before staring at the menu.

“You’re so addicted.”

“Am not,” Yunho denied, partly lying.

“Fine, you’re whipped.”

- - - -
When Jaejoong left the two men, his heart was still pounding and he couldn’t hide his smile. Damn, just meeting his boyfriend made him react like that. That was unbelievable. Besides, they were going out for only three days though he didn’t know why he felt such a bond towards Yunho. He still remembered the day when the other man picked him up after his shift. They were so shy towards each other that they didn’t dare to hold hands. It was after an hour of walking that he had decided to take Yunho’s hand slowly. They first kissed at the end of their walk when Jaejoong was brought to his building. Even thinking about it made Jaejoong blush as he remembered how he felt having Yunho’s breath on his lips, how their tongues met gently, how he stroked the other’s nape. He remembered everything.

Smiling like a high-school girl about her crush, he shivered and went to the counter, picking some plates to give the other customers. When he turned lightly his head, his eyes looked at his boyfriend who was talking with his friend. Damn, he couldn’t help himself staring at him. The second after, he finally met Yunho’s eyes who waved at him. His colleague was about to go to him, that was why he almost shoved her aside and ran towards his favourite customer.

“Have you made your choice already?” Jaejoong asked, unaware that Yunho didn’t take off his eyes off him.

“I’ll have three salmon sushi, three tuna sushi, four shrimp rolls and four California rolls with cucumber…” Changmin announced slowly before exclaiming suddenly. “Oh and the chef’s choice! By the way, could we have some shrimp chips?”

“Hm… and the chef’s choice… Okay!” the waiter repeated while writing down carefully on his notepad. “I’ll get these for you right away.”

When Jaejoong came back, he gave them the chips and Yunho ordered the chef’s choice as well. He walked towards the kitchen, talked to some cooks and then took care of other customers. He was fine until he heard his lover’s friend murmuring when he was standing at the table next to them.

“Stop ogling at him, Yunho.”

Jaejoong felt instantly hot, feeling his cheeks getting red and his heart pounding. This sentence made him distracted. How was he supposed to work normally after he heard that? He bit his lip and tried to focus on the customers in front of him.

“Am not,” Yunho murmured to his friend.

“Fine, you’re undressing him with your eyes.”

Widened eyes and red like a tomato, the waiter stepped out of the room, feeling uneasy and made his way to the locker room. He sat on the bench and breathed in deeply. That comment… was so embarrassing. Was Yunho really undressing him? Jaejoong touched his cheeks and came towards the kitchen a few seconds later.

“Jaejoong, how is it possible that one person can eat all those plates?” the chef asked his employee while showing him Changmin’s order.

“It is possible, Minho-sshi. That guy over there is Mr. Soba noodles’ friend.” The waiter replied as he pointed to the two men’s table.

The chef didn’t miss that one of them was smiling while staring at his employee and that the other was widening his eyes… which was weird. He chuckled with a shrug, ‘what a pair…’ he murmured. Jaejoong picked up his tray and brought a few plates to them before returning to the counter and taking Changmin’s other dishes.

- - - -
“I think your beloved waiter heard us,” Yunho’s friend stated with a smirk. “Crap, if he was too embarrassed, he might come late with my orders. And shrimp chips aren’t enough!”

“You know, you could have asked for yoghurt. It’s light, delishus and it’ll fill you up.”

Changmin sent him a death glare meaning something like ‘you and your yoghurt tsk…’ They talked a little, but just for a few minutes because a certain man was too focused on someone else. They both saw Jaejoong talking to another man wearing a white blouse. Maybe he was some kind of cook. Anyway, the two friends were pretty curious now. Yunho, because his boyfriend was talking to someone he didn’t know and no he wasn’t jealous nor possessive, Changmin, because… it might change his conception of life.

“Yah, who is that guy?” Yunho couldn’t help but groan.

“I don’t know but… it’s the most beautiful thing that my straight eyes have ever seen,” the other young man replied softly, clearly unable to take his supposed-to-be straight eyes off that man.

“Tsk. I was starting to wonder if you were asexual or gay,” Yunho smirked.

Changmin saw red. He didn’t like his friend’s comment, it was mean. It isn’t because he wasn’t going out with women that he was gay or asexual. He was so angry that he didn’t even notice the waiter walking towards them.

“I am NOT asexual!” he almost yelled, making the other customers to look at him with widened eyes.

Jaejoong stopped on his way, too dumbfounded about his boyfriend’s friend. A blush on his cheeks, he brought the plates, making sure he wasn’t staring at the other man and came a second time with his tray. He shouldn’t be so embarrassed but he couldn’t help himself. Yunho must have felt his embarrassment that’s why he took his hand and stroked it with his thumb.

“Don’t mind him he’s just confused about being gay.”

“I am not gay. However, I don’t mind turning gay for him,” Changmin tried to defend himself. “Just for him.”

“It’ll be the same. As soon as your crush is a man, you’re gay. End of the discussion,” Yunho stated while rolling his eyes. “Who were you talking with?” he added to Jaejoong.

“My boss, he’s the chef.”

“And he can cook too. Oh my…”

Jaejoong chuckled at the man’s behaviour; he apparently had a crush on his boss. He squeezed Yunho’s hand lightly before wishing them to enjoy their meal and walking away. An hour later, when the two friends finished eating, Changmin didn’t mind to make his way to the counter to pay for both of their orders for some reason. Although he wanted to hit on the chef, it was the latter that started to flirt with him.

Meanwhile, Yunho took advantage and followed his boyfriend to the locker room. The second the door was closed, his arms went around his lover’s waist while the other wrapped his arms around Yunho’s neck. A few loving whispers, sweet words and little smiles later, the two men were kissing. They both knew they couldn’t wait anymore since they were longing for this moment so much.

Sometimes, being a picky customer isn’t that bad.

A/N: Hello~ This is the second time I'm writing a plot from someone else and omg I'm scared x__x So, I hope you enjoyed it Yuki and you too people :D
Leave me a comment? xD

fic : a picky customer, pairing : changmin/minho, length : one-shot, band : dbsk, band : shinee, pairing : yunho/jaejoong

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