Thanks, sweetie. I really, really appreciate your support. I'm actually still a little stunned by how often and consistently you post to offer your support. Please believe me - I appreciate it more than I can say.
On a totally other subject, would you like to get together for coffee sometime? :)
You know, it's odd - when I first realized that PSO work might be my only chance to really make money in the near future, I got really depressed. Mike was really negative about my job, and I internalized it. But all of a sudden, I'm feeling really good about it. I can start contributing financially soon!
Thank you. I've done it before, which I'm assuming you remember, but the best part is that I'm no longer with Mike. [Hey, do you remember me reading Bondage Faeries out loud to Heather and you, complete with anime characterization? Hee... :)]
Comments 8
On a totally other subject, would you like to get together for coffee sometime? :)
Use your LJ username in the subject line so my spam filter won't trap it.
You know, it's odd - when I first realized that PSO work might be my only chance to really make money in the near future, I got really depressed. Mike was really negative about my job, and I internalized it. But all of a sudden, I'm feeling really good about it. I can start contributing financially soon!
I'm really excited about it. :)
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