
Apr 19, 2010 00:14

Might be goin' home sooner than I thought...

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doesntwaltz April 18 2010, 19:19:26 UTC


doesntwaltz April 19 2010, 09:50:30 UTC
Yeah, but it just makes me wanna take care of him more because I know he won't do it himself. Hey, who knows, maybe I'll have a bun in the oven by then.


a68whiskey April 19 2010, 09:55:20 UTC
Yeah, there is that. Only, his wife seemed to have it in hand. Is it hard for ya' to sit by and let her do her thing? Ya' worried she'll hurt him? Ya- who? Bun? Seriously? What have I been missin'?


doesntwaltz April 19 2010, 09:59:48 UTC
No, I'm definitely not worried. She loves him completely, I can see it. I don't doubt Ali can take care of Andy. I wouldn't ever get in the way of it, or be jealous of it. Sometimes it maybe is just a teensy bit hard not to rush in like I used to. Ah, surprise? Well, not yet. I mean, I'm not pregnant yet. Rob wanted to make a bet about knocking me up. He's given himself eight weeks to get it done, or he becomes my sex slave.


a68whiskey April 19 2010, 10:02:48 UTC
But she called ya', when she needed help. She still knows he needs y'all a lot. Seen some chicks that just wanna isolate the dude from hsi family... Robbo's a good example of that with his ex. She hated his folks, and it was mutual. And ya' into it too, right? Ya' ain't just doin' it 'cause he wants it?


doesntwaltz April 19 2010, 10:06:04 UTC
I hate women like that, and if I ever become one I want you to promise to slap me. I love Rob's parents. I didn't exactly spend heaps of time with them, but I still know they're great people. I talk to his mum on the phone sometimes. Yeah, I am. I could definitely enjoy having Rob's kid, but I was scared at first. I can't deny that. A kid's a huge thing.


a68whiskey April 19 2010, 10:16:18 UTC
I just ain't ever understood how anyone would wanna isolate someone from their family. It's family that brings ya' into this world. Well, now ya' got the chance. You'll love 'em. Some people would kill for in-laws like that. Did ya' talk to him 'bout it?


doesntwaltz April 19 2010, 10:20:08 UTC
Me either. I think it's more to do with them trying to control the person. They can't focus on anyone but the manipulating bitch, so they'll clearly want to do whatever they ask, or something. I can believe it. They really are good people. They have to be to have raised Rob and Lils. A little, sure. You should have seen him on the first night... He had performance anxiety. This is a huge thing for him.


a68whiskey April 19 2010, 10:26:41 UTC
Ya' know, lotta why Robbo and I mostly lost touch was her. She did her best to pull him away from all his pals. That race thing, wasn't the first time she was deletin' his shit. I just ain't told him that. Couldn't get it up, huh? I feel the urge to pull the piss outta him.

But seriously, sure ya' want it? Or do ya' maybe have a sense that 'cause he's been through so much, ya' just wanna give him somethin'?


doesntwaltz April 19 2010, 10:30:09 UTC
I really will smash her face in if I ever see her. The damage she's done to him is fucking insane. I still can't believe the absolute liberties she's taken with his personal stuff. Hey! I want him to be able to keep getting it up, so don't you dare.

Yeah, I am. I really, really am. I want his babies. I never thought I'd be a baby person, not really. I thought I'd be the aunty to Andy and Luke's kids. With Rob I just want everything. I want the house, and the husband, and the kids, and maybe a dog.


a68whiskey April 19 2010, 10:35:35 UTC
Ya' might ya' know. She's from the same town as him. The worst was the deletin' his military stuff, disrespectin' what he does and his loyalty to the service. It was just bullshit. He coulda gone to prison for a real long time for desertin', even if he didn't realise it. He's gonna treat it like a Military Op, ya' realise this?

A dog huh? Ya' know, even if ya' just start at once, ya' still gonna have ya' own lil family unit, somethin' ya' made together. That's gotta be the awesome right there.


doesntwaltz April 19 2010, 10:44:22 UTC
I really will mess her up. I hate her for what she did to him. I hate that she nearly broke him, and he would have died if he'd still been with her. I've never hated someone I've never met so bloody much. He still promised me foreplay.

Yeah, but I forgot to tell him about the dog. Or maybe it should be a cat. It really is pretty awesome. You can still have it too, you know.


a68whiskey April 19 2010, 10:50:51 UTC
Mess her up for me. Just don't put it past her to try and come onto him again. She'll think she'll still have ownership over him. Foreplay ain't gonna get the touchdown.

If ya' get a house outta the city, ya'll have room for a dog and a cat, maybe even a goldfish. Yeah, maybe one day. Who really knows what's 'round the corner?


doesntwaltz April 19 2010, 10:58:00 UTC
Consider it done. She tries that, and she's getting more than a smashed in face. He's mine now. I've seen Rob when some guy's tried to hit on me, he has yet to see me when some chick hits on him. Not past the dirty looks. Yeah, but it helps reach the touchdown.

I like the way you think, Austin. I guess the fun's in finding out.


a68whiskey April 19 2010, 11:02:54 UTC
Ohhh yeah. He touched on that, he just never told me any details. Said the guy came onto you and he sorted him. Bet ya found that real hot, huh? Told ya' he's got a bastard streak. There's a drill sergeant in there somewhere. Did he manage to, uh, tee off eventually?

I ain't seen a whole lotta fun in all that yet. Hopefully it's still comin' for me.


doesntwaltz April 19 2010, 11:12:27 UTC
Oh god, did I ever. He definitely got lucky that night. It's a bastard streak I can dig. I wouldn't mind being the wife of a drill sergeant like him. Yeah, he did. It was cute, even if I was a little frustrated when he suddenly had me hanging in limbo.

What about the chick who Rob wanted photos for? Ah... Charlie?


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