Title: Learning Fandom: Dollhouse Characters/Pairing: Topher Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 655 Prompt: "I haven't failed, I just found another way that doesn't work"
1. I love fics that explore where Whiskey came from (for lack of a better phrase). 2. I love fics with Topher. 3. I love fics with DeWitt and Topher. 4. I love fics with Sierra, and especially with Sierra and Topher. 5. Everything's spelled correctly! :) 6. I love your icon.
Thus, in short, there is SO MUCH WIN here. *beams* I love Topher so much, and the last bit makes me wibble (and I'm at work, so that's bad, lol).
I only have one question. Why is this labelled as Whiskey when it's mostly Topher? Granted, I'd have clicked either way, but I was just curious. Still, I love this immensely, and I may or may not be memming it. ;)
Comments 8
1. I love fics that explore where Whiskey came from (for lack of a better phrase).
2. I love fics with Topher.
3. I love fics with DeWitt and Topher.
4. I love fics with Sierra, and especially with Sierra and Topher.
5. Everything's spelled correctly! :)
6. I love your icon.
Thus, in short, there is SO MUCH WIN here. *beams* I love Topher so much, and the last bit makes me wibble (and I'm at work, so that's bad, lol).
I only have one question. Why is this labelled as Whiskey when it's mostly Topher? Granted, I'd have clicked either way, but I was just curious. Still, I love this immensely, and I may or may not be memming it. ;)
And I'm glad you pointed that out. I copy and paste my headings on this journal, and I guess I forgot to change the character label.
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