Of course I'll help with the sewing machine! Be warned though - every person I've showed how to do things with a sewing machine is suddenly able to do wonderful custom clothing of professional quality. They also get addicted to sewing!
Don't worry - I haven't done any sewing at all this week either. I did manage to find all of my cold weather gear, so I will have cold and warm weather clothing for the weekend!
I'm so nervous about threading the sewing machine because when I was about 9-10 my Mom told my sister and I that we could start learning how to use her sewing machine and while she was out, we tried threading it and snarled it so badly that she had to take it into the shop to get it fixed and I've never touched a sewing machine since. I've watched her use it but never used it myself.
I just want to be able to sew pouches and do things to the cloak and very simple things like a new cover for my futon and all that. I don't want to make super fancy garb. I don't have the patience for that.
My hat finally came in today, but I will only wear it if the weather promises to be nice. I set myself the goal of at least starting on the caul tonight. But I have to be at work by a little after 7:00 tomorrow so I think that that might not happen.
Comments 2
Don't worry - I haven't done any sewing at all this week either. I did manage to find all of my cold weather gear, so I will have cold and warm weather clothing for the weekend!
I just want to be able to sew pouches and do things to the cloak and very simple things like a new cover for my futon and all that. I don't want to make super fancy garb. I don't have the patience for that.
My hat finally came in today, but I will only wear it if the weather promises to be nice. I set myself the goal of at least starting on the caul tonight. But I have to be at work by a little after 7:00 tomorrow so I think that that might not happen.
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