crossposting like a boss

Sep 21, 2011 10:40

Emergency medical reasons are making money not even tight, but pretty much impossible to pay bills at this rate. Dawn has developed a cyst on her right wrist, which is her dominant hand, and a doctor has put her on a strict light-duty regimen until she has surgery. .

Her job will not honor the doctor's note, told her she is a liability, and sent her home until she has had surgery and the following physical therapy and can thus return to her normal job duties. She can take a leave of absence, so her employment is not in jeopardy, but there are still the obvious issues.

Not working means not being able to pay rent, the car bill, or for food. Which means that even paying for the consultation with the specialist (who, the earliest she can see us for that even is the 27th, lord only knows when the surgery itself will be) is also impossible. Much less the surgery. Or the recovery.

I'm going to gather together a bunch of items to sell that I've been sitting on - some games, some doujin, some art books, even some furniture - and am going to take photographs and put it up for sale. Please keep an eye on this spot. Pictures will be linked to as soon as humanly possible.

Please, guys. This is not good. =/
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