Title Star Catcher Rating: G Characters: Dean, Castiel, Sam Genre: Friendship Summary: A time-traveling mishap will make two children and a fledgling realize that the unexpected can sometimes be a good thing.
Wow your done. This is it. I don't know how to react. Well congrats for one. I loved it very step of the way. The ending wrapped it up wonderfully. And I'm happy that Cas, Dean and Sam have each other. All of them were/are so adorable and funny but strong as well. Your story made me feel it all. Happy, worry, giddy, and anticipation. Basically lots of feels. Thank you for the beautiful story.
ps. Sorry I didn't comment much. Sometimes I have words and sometimes I don't. I'm just silly like that.
Thank you very much! And yes, even if the world turns dark, the boys will always have each other and that makes things better. I'm sorry for giving you a lot of feels ^^;
No thanks needed since it's the truth but your welcome, That's the best thing, having someone you can count on. Please don't be sorry you also made me very happy.
Comments 11
ps. Sorry I didn't comment much. Sometimes I have words and sometimes I don't. I'm just silly like that.
It's totally alright! *hugs you*
*hugs back tighter* ;_;
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