Title Star Catcher Rating: G Characters: Dean, Castiel, Sam Genre: Friendship Summary: A time-traveling mishap will make two children and a fledgling realize that the unexpected can sometimes be a good thing.
gah your stories are always the best!!! Thanks for the update ^_^ aww and even at this time Castiel tries to comfort Dean like he sometimes does in the show. It's always so touching there is someone that can comfort Dean when it feels like he has the world on his shoulders. =)
Thank you so much! And you're most welcome! *hugs*
Even though the two of them haven't really met yet, I like to think that, in more ways than one, they will always choose to help one another. And Dean definitely needs someone to share his burden with, it's like getting a bit of the weight off him. :)
YAY I'm so glad to see an update! This is one of those stories that I'll stick with no matter how long between updates (even though I prefer shorter, obviously lol).
I just love the idea of kid-angel!Cas, especially with the Weechesters, and I can't wait for the rest!
Life is just so unpredictable these days, especially with my last semester at college. So... crazy-hectic stuff are never in short supply. But I really do appreciate you sticking to this story despite these "breaks," so I hug you! *hugs you* :D
That's okay; I understand completely (I'm in my last year, and next quarter is going to be aaaaaaawful so I'll probably disappear for weeks at a time then, too).
The fact that you don't completely forget your stories is what matters. So I hug you back! *hug* =D
*y'know, not saying that fanfic is more important that rl (though we all wish, I'm sure), just that it sucks as a reader to follow a really good WIP only to have the author completely disappear...
Comments 10
Even though the two of them haven't really met yet, I like to think that, in more ways than one, they will always choose to help one another. And Dean definitely needs someone to share his burden with, it's like getting a bit of the weight off him. :)
I just love the idea of kid-angel!Cas, especially with the Weechesters, and I can't wait for the rest!
The fact that you don't completely forget your stories is what matters. So I hug you back! *hug* =D
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