Title: Star Catcher Rating: G Characters: Dean, Castiel, Sam Genre: Friendship Summary: A time-traveling mishap will make two children and a fledgling realize that the unexpected can sometimes be a good thing.
Lovely update! Gabe and Dean commiserating over little brothers....made of win. :) And, we have some insight as to Cas' plight. Finally, the roof scene was so chilling, as Dean desperately tried to prevent Conner from "flying".
I've always loved how Gabe and Dean have a lot of similarities, especially in the big brother department. It's good to see them interacting and being able to relate to one another that way.
Even at this age, Dean is already doing the "I'll catch you when you fall" thing with Cas. It's a nice little symbolism there (I hope it's not too corny XD).
Maybe it was Gabe who woke Dean up, and he was there right through, invisible and ready to step in if Dean couldn't stop Cas, but just a bit unwilling to show himself unless the worst happened, because that might also draw Heaven's notice.
He's not really known for his caring side, is he? XD He's tough on the outside, but he's just a big ol marshmallow on the inside :D
Gabe's always watching out for Cas. With Dean, there was no need for him to intervene, or else he would risk his cover. If Cas was truly a moment's away from death - like, inches away from the pavement - Gabriel would have done something about it, but only when it would be really necessary.
And mimi_sardinia's explanation fits that as well ^ Thank you for that! :D
Great story- I love that Dean and Sam have already adopted Castiel- and Gabriel babysitting him secretly also makes me smile. I can't wait to see John's reaction to his boys having taken in another.
Cas is essentially part of their little family now. And of course Gabe has to watch out for him since he really is his brother; he's just a softie on the inside :)
Comments 12
I'll update as soon as I can! :)
I can't wait for more!!!!!! :D
Thank you so much! :D
Lovely update! Gabe and Dean commiserating over little brothers....made of win. :) And, we have some insight as to Cas' plight. Finally, the roof scene was so chilling, as Dean desperately tried to prevent Conner from "flying".
Loved it! Can't wait for more.
Even at this age, Dean is already doing the "I'll catch you when you fall" thing with Cas. It's a nice little symbolism there (I hope it's not too corny XD).
Thank you! :3
but where was he when Cas was trying to jump off the roof?
Poor Dean!
Gabe's always watching out for Cas. With Dean, there was no need for him to intervene, or else he would risk his cover. If Cas was truly a moment's away from death - like, inches away from the pavement - Gabriel would have done something about it, but only when it would be really necessary.
And mimi_sardinia's explanation fits that as well ^ Thank you for that! :D
Cas is essentially part of their little family now. And of course Gabe has to watch out for him since he really is his brother; he's just a softie on the inside :)
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