For the first eleven years of Hikaru's life (after the initial screening that all babies had to go through had declared him to be "normal" and "unremarkable"), the biggest thing that worried her wasn't if he would actually make it to being an adult (something that she admitted, now, was a luxury) -- it was what he was going to do as one
( ... )
Aww *hugs hugs hugs* wow, thank you so much for the reply ... I'm always so weirdly insecure about these ninja stories. I don't know why, but it's like ... I, myself, can't believe I'm trying to write igo with ninja. XD So hearing that it works, it really makes my day.
Though yeah <3, you always make me so gleeful anyway. X3 Heheh, I'll get to your drabble soon, honest! I'm just working my way down the line *G*.
For the first eleven years of Hikaru's life (after the initial screening that all babies had to go through had declared him to be "normal" and "unremarkable"), the biggest thing that worried her wasn't if he would actually make it to being an adult (something that she admitted, now, was a luxury) -- it was what he was going to do as one ( ... )
But at least he washappy, this intimate stranger, born from her body.
This is a really beautiful line. <3
Though yeah <3, you always make me so gleeful anyway. X3 Heheh, I'll get to your drabble soon, honest! I'm just working my way down the line *G*.
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