Quote of the week - bonus quotes

Jun 03, 2009 11:38

"Do not pray in my school and I will not think in your church." - Unknown

"An honest god is the noblest work of man." - Robert Green Ingersoll

When I do good, I feel good; when I do bad, I feel bad, and that is my religion." - Abraham Lincoln

and my favourite American President

"Question with boldness even the existence of God; because, if there be ( Read more... )

religion, science, politics, quotes

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Comments 6

angriest June 3 2009, 02:24:15 UTC
"Physics is to math what sex is to masturbation." - Richard Feynman

"Quantum physics is to Newtonian physics what bizarre Japanese fetish sex you couldn't possibly comprehend or visualise is to ordinary household sex." - Grant Watson


murasaki_1966 June 3 2009, 02:49:39 UTC
Nice one.


eneit June 3 2009, 02:50:46 UTC
being in a church no more makes you a Christian, than standing in a garage makes you a car.

don't know who it's by - but I like it *g*


murasaki_1966 June 3 2009, 03:10:28 UTC
Dr Laurence J. Peter


Ain't Google wonderful?

Mind you, I've used that on so many fundamentalists...


eneit June 3 2009, 04:08:23 UTC
lol, me too.

Jennifer Fallon once gave me a mental image of a group of scientists gathered together, and singing the theory of relativity, gospel style, and shouting "I believe" to prove the theory's existance.

I just wish I could remember the blog entry that gave me that rather wonderful image *g*


murasaki_1966 June 3 2009, 04:16:10 UTC
Ops. I meant to type "Dr Laurence J. Peter" (Two things reduce prejudice: education and laughter.”) I may have to find out about this bloke.

Love that image. Would make a great sketch on a tv show. don't lose it


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