Grin and bear it

Jun 27, 2016 07:59

On the way home after work on Friday afternoon, I saw something one rarely sees in suburbia. As I took the ramp to go northbound onto 28, I noticed something in the grassy area between the ramp and the Hilton. My first reaction was "That's one huge dog," but then I realized it wasn't a dog. It was a black bear. He(she?) was shifting about as if ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

gre7g June 28 2016, 11:25:36 UTC
So neat! I've never seen a bear in the wild, but once when hiking, we found a bear's print in a stream. That was pretty thrilling. :)


murakozi June 28 2016, 14:39:14 UTC
That's pretty neat. I've only seen them in zoos and on tv.


davesmusictank July 9 2016, 21:25:26 UTC
Wow, bears some thought - excuse the pun.


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