The other side of the mountain

Apr 13, 2019 11:21

*waves nightdress-clad from a sunbeam that I am sharing with the Long Low Ladies*

I'm deeply pleased to report that last night's all-Handel recital was AWESOME! AM opened the recital with an ethereal rendition of "Eternal Source of Light Divine," with which she wasn't happy because she could barely read the tiny score in the dimmish lighting near ( Read more... )

silly, family, filk, handel, singing, rhyme, aspl

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Comments 2

gelsey April 13 2019, 19:08:58 UTC

Yaaaaaaaaay! I'm so glad it was so fabulous! It sounds so lovely.


kit10notk9 April 23 2019, 09:47:22 UTC
I just had a stray thought. . . if your night dress is made from a sunbeam. . .how do you sleep???? Wouldn't it make too much light for a nightlight??
And if it was more along the lines of formal evening wear, did you outshine the rest of the ensemble?

CONGRATS to Mr. 42 for perfect timing! Your hubby gets brownie points for getting there in time to hear you.


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