Learned some saddening news through the Outer Alliance today.
An issue came up when Crossed Genres had an ad for their LGBT-themed issue (submissions are now open! w00t!) rejected by a 'relatively known SFF market'. And more details came out (at which point you may imagine me, however calm my posts might appear, sitting before my monitor with a pitchfork in one hand, torch in the other), and it turns out the market in question if Flash Fiction Online, an SFWA pro market.
The gods alone know how hard I have tried (and intended to keep trying) to break into that market. Every flash piece I write goes there. When one gets held another round for consideration, my heart sings. And I enjoy reading their fiction, too.
So what do I do now? I really don't know. I've been published before in 'zines that aren't LGBT-friendly (MindFlights, though it openly states so in its guidelines, and it's not a surprise since it's a Christian family market), but that was, of course, before I joined the Outer Alliance. I don't repent of those publication credits, though I would be happier if the publisher was more open-minded (especially as I keep writing inspiring pieces I think would be perfect...only they include queer characters). But now? I'm kind of glad I have no flash fiction written at the moment.
So yes. I wryly curse principles, the ones that happen to make FFOnline unfriendly and the ones that might mean I won't be submitting or reading it anymore.
Well, I might still read it. In secret. With a paper bag over my head. And a different page open in another tab that I can click to quickly if anybody sees.
As you might be able to guess, I'm conflicted.