Biothaumaturge Battles Blooddrinker With Bin LidSurvival of the latest city-wide attack was almost short-lived for Frederick Winkle, a respected biothaumaturge and Brock Marsh resident. Upon being given notice to return home, Winkle narrowly avoided an assault from a be-fanged individual while making his way from the Temple of Ruun. Fortunately he was able to fend off the attacker with a dust-bin lid and his screams of terror were heard by passers-by, who rushed to his aid.
Citizens are asked to be on the look-out for a grey-skinned male xenian who is 5'4,” red haired and currently missing several front teeth.
Gassy Gargoyles Guzzle and GalavantFLYSIDE - Citizens faced harassment and mockery from delinquent gargoyles this past Coardi, sources said. Though no theories have been substantiated at this time, it is evident that the gargoyles somehow acquired fizzy lifting drinks. While in humans, this beverage produces only a mild euphoric effect, the gargoyle physiology creates an intense state of intoxication.
Law enforcement worked rapidly to ensure that citizens were protected from both humiliation and physical harm. It was reported that most of the behavior was simply juvenile, though one unfortunate merchant who asked to remain anonymous was pelted with his own stolen eggs.
It is clear that even without the drinks, the gargoyles had been a problem waiting to intrude for some time. This unfortunate incident may bring pressure to put a stop to this hooliganism sooner rather than later.
- An entire family of Xenians was savaged and eaten in Chimer! Only the boy child survived and he still won't talk about what happened.
- A recent fad in the graffiti and street-art culture include themes on long dead sleeping kings and queens waking.
- Undead are sensitive to changes. The recent stirrings in the cruro community has to mean that something big and nasty is coming.
Plothooks for Fun and Profit
For players wishing to build some CR, your glorious and devious modteam have put together a few scenarios. To get involved in one of these, reply to this post with the prompt number and gather together some gleeful accomplices. Also, should nothing here appeal to you, feel free to go mad with your own power and come up with our own scenarios.
- Cruorvores: Your favourite food shop is running low on stock and is about to shut down catering to your specific needs. You have to find an alternative food source.
- Cruorvores: Surely people will be reasonable if only they hear your side of the story? Address the problem head on and do a Q&A on the network.
- Cruorvores: You have actually been preying directly on the living and the last time someone caught you in the act. Normally they would get scared and run away but the sentiments of the city as of late seems to have emboldened them. Now they are coming for you, and they have a lot of friends.
- For the Opposition: Campaign and educate your fellow citizens on the dangers of hanging around predators designed to eat them/the undead damned.
- For the Opposition: Someone you knew (well or in passing, friend or best bartender ever) has been victimised in a cruro-crime and no one seems to care. Their demise should not be allowed to go unpunished.
- Misc: People-eaters still gotta eat. With a lot of their needs-specific shops closing down for various reasons, venues of opportunity open up: (a) there is a lot of money to be made right now from either selling your own precious resources or pouching your fellow people. You vile profiteer; or (b) there has to be some way to keep some of those shops open. Donate blood, volunteer to protect shops, owners and employees from violence and rocks.