Jun 01, 2008 23:45
Well, I'm officially a homeowner. Only shortly after I seriously considered simply running away, I'm now establishing roots that go pretty darn deep. Talk about a commitment. I've officially progressed from plants to cats to home ownership.
I keep organizing my furniture in my head. I think I need to visit the place and take some real measurements, so there's hope that I can actually fit the piano somewhere without having to commit the whole room to it, while still having a seating area with a good view of the TV. Speaking of the sitting area, I'm excited at the thought of buying a purple couch. Mom's giving me crap about it.
Through all this, I really need some downtime, and I'm not getting it. I had some yesterday, but today was a concert in Jersey, and it's JUST TOO FAR AWAY. I mean, I left here at 1:30 for a 2:30 call for a 4:00 concert that I got home from at 7:30. I DON'T WANT THAT. And next week's concert is another half hour further into Jersey. I really really really just don't want to go. I never committed to a Jersey ensemble. I committed to something significantly closer. It doesn't help that I keep getting lost on the way home. I should just take the turnpike. (Although today I had the GPS in the car, so I don't think I lost much, if any, time.)
So now it's almost midnight, and I'm still trying to get some of the paperwork together for the mortgage guy. It would have been nice to be doing that after a leisurely lunch and a trip to the gym instead. I could go to bed at a decent hour, since I have to finish a bunch of Senior Awards stuff tomorrow; the shindig is on Tuesday...
Ack. Precious Roy says hi...