Finish-a-thon ShadesOfFree Poll

Jun 13, 2010 15:44

The following are the plot-bunnies which ShadesOfFree spades_fire has put up for voting:

Fandom: Supernatural
Rating: teen
Type: gen
Description: Part 3 of my AU where John dies while the boys are young, and they're taken in by the Harvelles. Follows (1), and (2). Mild Dean/Jo and Sam/Jess, but it's technically still gen.

Fandom: Supernatural
Rating: adult
Type: gen
Description: Sam between s3 / s4, being a crazy psychopath and trying to get Dean back from Hell - simultaneously!

Fandom: Supernatural
Rating: teen
Type: gen
Description: AU Preseries. Young, crazy Sam has crazy visions and no one believes him.

Poll ShadesOfFree all

finishathon:2010:voting, finishathon 2010

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