Mod Post!

Aug 14, 2008 10:52

Thank you all so much for making our community such a lively place! We really appreciate it and hope to bring you more blogcrews in the future! ♥

Anyway, I just wanted to remind all of you that it is really, really important that you read the comments before yours when claiming! I really can't stress enough on it. It doesn't tick us off, but I for one feel really bad when I have to reject your claim! Using CTRL+F would probably be a little faster than reading all the comments, so you can use that. Also, I'm not pointing to anyone in particular, because it happens in every blogcrew. We all make mistakes. So, from now on, please make a little effort and read/CTRL+F the comments. I would really appreciate it! ♥

Also, any reserves that you would like to make for my next blogcrew can be made here. It's going to be another 'two users per claim' affair, so you can claim someone who has already been claimed once. Reserve away!


mod post, #shushu

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