
Apr 06, 2015 17:07

Welcome to Genfic Minis, the mini-ficathon that focuses on gen relationships across fandoms!

How this works:
On Monday, an open community post will go up and members will comment with their top five fandom choices for the week
On Wednesday, the voting will close and the top three fandoms, along with the theme, will go up and sign-ups will begin
On ( Read more... )

rules, intro post, mod post

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Comments 10

upupa_epops April 6 2015, 10:15:13 UTC
When can we start? :DDDD


kwritten April 6 2015, 10:42:53 UTC
I was just about to ask you the same question. Do you want to start this week or next? because I can start up today if you are game?


upupa_epops April 6 2015, 10:52:07 UTC
I have a day off, so I'm definitely game :D.

The new banner is even better!


fluffyfrolicker April 6 2015, 11:00:58 UTC
I am here! The banner looks fantastic, as does this post.


lynzie914 May 1 2015, 19:01:51 UTC
I'm only familiar with one of the fandoms for this round, would I still be able to sign up if I decide I want to, or do you need to be familiar with at least two/able to offer two? Also, if the answer is yes, then would I be able to do to seperate asks/prompts for the same fandom or just the one?


kwritten May 1 2015, 20:21:39 UTC
yes. if you are only familiar with one fandom, then just request only one story and let us know in your sign up that you can only write for one.

I'm going to change it right now. otherwise it'll just be a round with me and marta :)


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