Round 7: High School

Sep 05, 2015 00:20

Sign ups for Round 7 are now closed!

[Spoiler (click to open)]Welcome to Round 7!
Thanks to everyone who voted for the fandoms this month.

edited 2015-09-07 1040am PST Since it was getting down to wire and there were no sign ups, I've decided to drop the theme for this month.

The available fandoms for this round are:
Veronica Mars
Gossip Girl
Boy Meets World

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Comments 3

happyg_rl September 8 2015, 00:00:35 UTC
Name: happyg_rl
Fandom 1: Boy Meets World
Space: girl's bathroom
Three elements you'd like included: notes, chatter, mirrors
Two things you don't want:teachers (sorry feeny)
Range of ratings you'd like to read: any

Fandom 2: Gossip Girl
Space: (optional) elevator(s)
Three elements you'd like included: messy hair, awkward pauses, shiny metal
Two things you don't want: ?
Range of ratings you'd like to read: any
(idk much about Gossip Girl at all, but I hope this prompt is still a viable option to someone who would like to write in that fandom)

Name: happyg_rl
Email address:
Which fandoms are you comfortable writing in for this round: Boy Meets World (only)
What would you prefer writing? (answer for each fandom)
Veronica Mars:none
Gossip Girl: none
Boy Meets World: any?
Up to three things you absolutely cannot write:anti-Angelah propaganda
Anything else you can't write?

Anything else you'd like to add? sign up sign up!!! i really dig the theme!


lynzie914 September 8 2015, 22:37:49 UTC
Name: Lindsey
Fandom 1: Veronica Mars
Space: (optional) The Pool House (if you decide to use the theme)
Three elements you'd like included: pre-series, veronica and logan talking about lily, drinking
Two things you don't want: character bashing
Range of ratings you'd like to read: any

Fandom 2: gossip girl
Space: (optional) dorm room (if you decide)
Three elements you'd like included: college life, studying, blair&serena being blair&serena
Two things you don't want: character bashing, chuck (mentions are fine)
Range of ratings you'd like to read: any

Name: Lindsey
Email address: lynzie914 (at) aol (dot) com
Which fandoms are you comfortable writing in for this round:
What would you prefer writing? (answer for each fandom)
Veronica Mars: willing, but tentative (I've only written one fic for VM and its not long.)
Gossip Girl: defenitely. any of the girls, some of the boys (no heavily envolved chuck, and I'm shaky on my Nate but willing to try, and its been to long to really remember Carter well enough to write him.)
Boy ( ... )


kwritten September 9 2015, 07:58:53 UTC
Name: Kelsey
Fandom 1: Boy Meets World
Space: (optional) Matthews kitchen
Three elements you'd like included: not-cooking activities, Topanga, stationary camera
Two things you don't want: much emphasis on boys, dumb!Eric
Range of ratings you'd like to read: any/all

Fandom 2: any fandom
Space: (optional) school hallway
Three elements you'd like included: sock slides, boy-girl friendships, secret promises
Two things you don't want: teachers/adults
Range of ratings you'd like to read: any/all

Name: hi me
Email address:
Which fandoms are you comfortable writing in for this round:
What would you prefer writing? (answer for each fandom)
Veronica Mars:
Gossip Girl:
Boy Meets World:
Up to three things you absolutely cannot write:
Anything else you can't write?

Anything else you'd like to add? posted super late in hopes that there'd be more sign-ups!


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