fic: tell me later [ 1/1 ]

Aug 01, 2011 00:42

Title: Tell Me Later
Fandom: Castle
Pairing: Castle/Beckett
Words: 1923
Spoilers: Up until and including the season 3 finale, also minor spoilers for season 4 opener.

Summary: 'It’s not that the attraction wasn’t there all along. She knows it was. She wasn’t blind; the man was good looking, talented and a great person to hang around with. But ( Read more... )

castle, fic

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Comments 26

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muldy August 1 2011, 13:56:29 UTC
I thought I should touch on the first meeting, it seemed like the best place to start the story ;-)

Thank you.


mystizan August 1 2011, 00:50:50 UTC
To quote from Despicable Me: it's so fluffy I could ddddddddddddiiiiiiiiiiiieeeee! This was LOVELY.0


muldy August 1 2011, 13:56:46 UTC
Haha I love that quote. Thank you!


mystizan August 1 2011, 14:37:51 UTC
ur so welcome :)


mack_the_spoon August 1 2011, 01:48:05 UTC
Nicely done. Sweet and true to the characters and the show we love!


muldy August 1 2011, 13:57:10 UTC
Thank you very much. I'm always wary of writing Castle fic cos the show is so good, I don't feel like I should mess with it ;-)


namarie24 August 1 2011, 01:55:53 UTC
I like it a lot! Makes me miss them, and want the show back already. <3


muldy August 1 2011, 13:57:37 UTC
Thank you! And me too :-( Hurry up September!


wingsss August 1 2011, 02:07:17 UTC
ooooh I wish you would send Andrew Marlowe an anonymous tip because Rick saying "I don't think I'm always as subtle as I should be" would be so amazing and perfect on screen. I can totally picture Nathan's face. ;-) Anyway, I loved reading this thanks for posting!


muldy August 1 2011, 13:58:21 UTC
Haha if I had access to Andrew Marlowe I would be too busy fainting to say anything to him, let alone something coherent like a line of dialogue! But thank you :-)


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