Loathing, unadulterated loathing, for your face - your voice - your clothing!

Mar 10, 2008 01:01

Amy Adams & Kristin Wiig on SNL singing "What Is This Feeling" LOL!

And why do I still not have a Wicked icon!?


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Comments 11

dark_faith366 March 9 2008, 14:26:17 UTC
sooooooooooo funny! don't you love when fandoms collide??

And missy, why don't you have a wicked icon exactly??


muldy March 10 2008, 10:21:41 UTC
I know! I love fandoms colliding hehe.

AND I HAVE NO IDEA. I keep going to find one and getting distracted...must do that.


aboutbefore March 9 2008, 15:48:08 UTC
My love for Amy Adams truly knows no bounds.


muldy March 10 2008, 10:21:58 UTC
She is pretty cool.


bnleah March 9 2008, 17:30:28 UTC
I was watching that last night and when the first notes of the music started I squee'd quite a bit. I think they did a pretty good job singing too!


muldy March 10 2008, 10:23:11 UTC
They did do a good job of singing it! They did a better job than the Elphaba I saw live in Seattle :-P


chickaboo March 9 2008, 17:58:25 UTC
Have you seen Kristin Chenoweth doing that Enchanted song at the Oscars?
Love that woman!

PS. That's How You Know, that's the title! (blanked for a bit there)


muldy March 10 2008, 10:23:32 UTC
Yup! Hehe. Fandoms crossing again ;-)


xfkirsten March 10 2008, 00:14:14 UTC
...can I just say that I shrieked when she started singing that? XD I had a total spaz moment. :P

(There was an AWESOME article I read somewhere where Amy was talking about how she's a total Wicked fangirl, and kept trying to get Idina to sing Defying Gravity on the set of Enchanted XD)

(She's also said that Elphaba is her dream role but that she's not right for it. D:)


muldy March 10 2008, 10:26:01 UTC
You could be the good witch in "Wicked"?
Yes, I know, but I don't want to be the good witch.

LOL. Cute!

I knew it was Amy Adams and Wicked related but it wasn't until the music started playing that I was completely and utterly amused by that clip hehe!


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