
Apr 28, 2007 18:12

I got a review for Broken Circles bugging me to update.


*runs away*

I wanna finish it sigh. But honestly - I lack the motivation to write anything SGA...

brokencircles, sga

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Comments 13

msgenevieve April 28 2007, 11:47:42 UTC
Ah, yes. How's that unfinished!WIP guilt working for ya?


muldy April 28 2007, 14:04:30 UTC
Oh yeah. Been six months, I kept using the excuse that the next chapter was on my dead laptop...

But honestly, I don't think that's the reason I haven't posted.

How's yours going?


msgenevieve April 28 2007, 14:39:18 UTC
Here, let me use my matching icon! *g*

I have two unfinished WIPs, both in other fandoms. PB is the only thing in my head at the moment.


alyssa22 April 28 2007, 11:48:01 UTC
That's a little freaky, given our email conversation today! And it wasn't even me!!

Blah. Why do they have the Sydney/Melbourne game on? I need to know if my team's being massacred by Brisvegas yet...


muldy April 28 2007, 14:05:23 UTC
Haha yeah my first thought when I saw REVIEW: Broken Circles was that it was you. LOL. But nope.

I'm sure your team was massacred by Brisvegas...sigh.


alyssa22 April 28 2007, 14:24:46 UTC
Very amusing, don't you think?

Blah. My team was beaten by two bloody goals. Stupid Brisvegas!!! Dumb rugby league city! A winning Aussie rules team is wasted on them!


aoihikari April 28 2007, 12:20:44 UTC
can I put up my hand for a update for that as well please? :3

but not to worry, i can read your PB fics now and finally know what i'm reading about! XD!!!

*huggles and loves tight*


muldy April 28 2007, 14:06:00 UTC
Not that not knowing what you were reading about ever stopped you from reading my PB fics. :P

*hugs and loves back*


major_zoidberg April 28 2007, 13:16:46 UTC
SGA... whats that? :p


muldy April 28 2007, 14:06:31 UTC
*points at your icon*

See that guy?

I think he got something to do with it...maybe...


alianne April 28 2007, 13:58:28 UTC
Dude, I think Broken Circles was the first SGA fanfic I ever read. :) So, if you ever update it, I'll sure read it. But I understand about the lack of motivation *sigh*


muldy April 28 2007, 14:07:20 UTC
Aaaw really? That makes me smile :).

Yeah...lack of motivation...I'm surprise anyone still reads fic. I know I don't.


alianne April 28 2007, 14:43:53 UTC
I read fic sporadically. I read more than I write. :)


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