"He's onto us..."

Apr 18, 2007 23:20

1. Get. That. Blue. Heelers. Fuckwit. OFF. MY. SCREEN. NOW.

That woman (the one Stevie totally beat) is the *reason* I stopped watching Blue Heelers, gah I can't staaaand her. No honestly. You suck at acting. You piss me off. And you're not hot so you can't be the hot chick.

Sorry. I'm not usually nasty to people on TV (no really I'm not) but this woman PISSES ME OFF. I don't know why. I'm totally judging her and I will honestly say she is my least favourite actress on TV. Ever. And she's the only person who's ever made me turn off a show I liked mainly because I hated her so so much.


She's not gonna be in it again...RIGHT?

2. Kate and Marcus are gonna get together. This kinda makes me sad cos I totally love Dave but I know Brett Tucker left so I guess I'll have to deal :(

3. Stevie and Alex. OMFG. *squee* Honestly. THEY ARE KILLING ME WITH THEIR CUTENESS.

4. Abi Tucker is awesome. Good addition.

And RE: Next week




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