Ficlet #2

Feb 07, 2007 16:32

Ficlet for speckleberry

Pairing: John/Elizabeth
Prompt: Bubbles

Bubbles )

fic, sparky, sga

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Comments 15

speckleberry February 7 2007, 05:40:54 UTC


They are so adorkable. *loves on you* I love bubbles!!! Ask Sapph, i wanted to buy a bubble gun when i was at her house! lol!


muldy February 7 2007, 10:18:47 UTC
Hehe I'm glad you liked it!! LOL @ bubble gun! You're too cute *hugs*


aoihikari February 7 2007, 06:59:56 UTC
bubbles! ZOMG awesome! XD!!!

*imagines Elizabeth in her office just blowing bubbles with big on face*

*falls down dead from squee*

*huggles and loves you from dead form. :D


muldy February 7 2007, 10:19:36 UTC
*hugs you from the grave too*

I swear I died of "OMG SQUEE" so many times this week while watching Prison Break...I must be dead....

Glad you liked the fic hehe


aoihikari February 7 2007, 10:23:10 UTC
*hugs some more in zombified state* loooooooove teh fi! love teh FIIIIII!!! XP!!!

i watched it too yesterday, and i so get what you mean by the squee. that part with sara is it? with the paper crane, that was the love. XD!!!

you give me sparky!love in fic form? what's not to like... now I have to go and read that joe/torri drinking one! YAY! :3


sapphs February 7 2007, 07:04:15 UTC
ZOMG Bubbles!!

This fic rawked my socks. It was so damn cute!!


muldy February 7 2007, 10:20:57 UTC
Hehe news to me, I can write cute fic...AND sparky...funny...*has no interest in writing sparky anymore*


dark_faith366 February 7 2007, 07:49:22 UTC
You wrote a fic!!! with bubble!cuteness!!!! *dies at the adorableness*



Why won't you write another chapter of soccer'lantis for me?


speckleberry February 7 2007, 08:47:01 UTC
Seconds that!!


aoihikari February 7 2007, 10:24:38 UTC
i thirds! that fic was crack!tastic!!! XD!!!


muldy February 7 2007, 11:42:22 UTC
I wrote a fic!! It took a lot of effort to write that little bit of Atlantis fic....I may have to gain back some Atlantis love before I can attempt real fic again...

It kinda makes me sad :(


finnstardust February 7 2007, 08:18:28 UTC
I LOVE blowing bubbles!! Haven't done it in ages though *looks forward to summer*.


muldy February 7 2007, 11:42:52 UTC
I haven't done it in forever either! Maybe I shall tomorrow...


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