
Jan 14, 2007 21:26

sg1, sga

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Comments 26

quezacolt January 14 2007, 10:32:17 UTC
*hides from wrath of Fi*


muldy January 14 2007, 10:40:14 UTC
Gah *is so not happy*


bluebanrigh January 14 2007, 10:35:09 UTC
Count me in as another person that is dreading the Sam in Atlantis. Seriously. *shakes head* No words can describe how much of a bad move this is.


muldy January 14 2007, 10:43:43 UTC
I know its a horrible decision...

Hmm...*eyes that email address of that certain writer we had dinner with in Vancouver and considers sending nasty things*

I like ur icon btw :P *applauds it*


bluebanrigh January 14 2007, 11:05:36 UTC
Heh, it's one I'm finding I have to use more often for Atlantis.

The only thing worse would be if they made Lucius a full time cast member.

Hehehe, Teal'c on Atlantis would be amusing (only for one ep). I'd love to see how he and Ronon size each other up.


muldy January 14 2007, 11:27:48 UTC
The only thing worse would be if they made Lucius a full time cast member.

LMAO! I'd so turn off...right there.

Yes Teal'c for one ep would be amusing. Vala for an ep would be amusing. Even Sam for an ep is OK cos her and McKay amuse me.


*goes to stare at Ronon pretty*


sapphs January 14 2007, 10:37:39 UTC

I'm so annoyed. Bye bye Torri!!


muldy January 14 2007, 10:44:13 UTC
It's OK Sab and Jess will write Torri a new TV show to star in. WITH LINES. AND NO SAM.


sapphs January 14 2007, 10:50:01 UTC
Sweet. They'd do a better job lol.


chickaboo January 14 2007, 10:39:05 UTC
I don't want Sam either. The writers don't know what to do with the two females they've got!
However, Sam's already developed, so why not just import her instead of developing a new character when they obviously don't know how to do that anymore!
Stupid PTB!


muldy January 14 2007, 10:45:36 UTC
Yes developing new characters (not that they NEED a new character they have plenty) seems to be a tad difficult for them..

*multiple headdesk*


alyssa22 January 14 2007, 10:55:32 UTC
It's a very, very bad move, but I think Amanda has a contract and they're making her honour it.

I really feel that Torri will be the worst affected by this, given the fact that Sam is something of an authority figure. Neither of the new characters is likely to be going off-world with them. Sam's senior to Shep, so she's not likely to be part of his team -- I'd say she'd be working more with Rodney.

My big worry is that they're going to go with a militarisation of Atlantis and put Sam in charge. God help the show if they do that.


muldy January 14 2007, 11:23:33 UTC
Fuck contracts. I honestly don't care.

They won't put Sam in charge.

They better not, cos there goes me.


alyssa22 January 14 2007, 11:29:00 UTC
Just posted on GW, if you're interested in adding your opinion. Maybe TPTB lurk on the 'what we want for season 4' thread.... who knows



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