(no subject)

Oct 15, 2006 05:28

TV postage...

I actually don't have much to say bout this ep. I enjoyed it but there was nothing particularly squeeful bout it...

Rob Morrow needs to loose the sideburns...*isn't a fan*...I think that's what's been bugging me bout his hair this season...

And erm...more Megan/Larry ship!!! LOL

But yeah the ep was good. I felt happy for the old lady at the end *hugs her*



OK so I missed two parts of this ep (I download McLeod's in 11 parts...and part 2 and part 5 weren't working and apparently part 2 has a Stevie and Alex scene hmmph) but OMG...


Even when its just like looks omg...that last scene where they're all sitting and watching Kate and the other chick singing and he's looking at her and she catches his eye. OMG THEY ARE SO IN LOVE *hits Alex for getting married the dumbass*

And yay Fi was barely in this ep *squee*

And omg the conversation at the fence!!

Alex: "I'm not asking you to have an affair with me."
Stevie: "Good, cause I won't do it."
Alex: "So we're just going to ignore what happened?"
Stevie: "I dunno what else we can do...you're married to Fiona, Alex, that's your life, I guess we both just have to deal with it."


*hugs Stevie*

*hits Alex again*

I can't believe how much I love this show...I mean come on its MCLEOD'S DAUGHTERS *headdesk* I am such a LOSER LOL!!! But I love it...and I WANT NEXT WEEK'S EP!

mcleodsdaughters, numb3rs

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