(no subject)

Aug 04, 2006 23:25

I will not ship Mitchell and Sam...I will not ship Mitchell and Sam...

I liked it! I mean its not like I absolutely adored loved it wanna watch it again now liked it...but I liked it! (yes I am surprised :P)

And I mean I liked it besides Vala! Although...Vala was awesome! *squee*

"I guess some Ba'al's are bigger than others"

*snorts* OK so many Baal jokes in this...I'm sure THAT production meeting was interesting. OMG AND VALA AND TEAL'C ARM WRESTLING! AHAHA THAT WAS AWESOME!!

(yes I am still hyperactive from earlier on for some reason :P maybe I should watch this again when I come off my hyperactiveness...)


*frowns* nope that's not what I was gonna write...

Oooh OK one thing, they would NEVER have let Vala lead that team of soldiers near the end - like umm at the beginning of the ep they were arguing bout whether to let her offworld then they let her in command of soldiers?

*raises eyebrow* No...wouldn't happen...

But besides that...*squee* VALA

Oh yeah and they totally shut down Sam/Barrett...LOL...

So can I ship Mitchell/Sam??

Anyway...*runs off to find SATEDA! *SQUEE* *


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