
Sep 08, 2005 15:31

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Comments 6

kratosgirl September 8 2005, 22:30:34 UTC


xdnangel September 8 2005, 22:34:01 UTC
^____________^ JUUBEI AND KAZUKI!!


_darkmistress_ November 15 2005, 23:47:03 UTC
So i followed the directions in your profile...ummm you don't know me at all. I loved your icon work to death. you seem like a really cool person and I'd like to get to know you. ^_^;;;; I sound so retarded. you don't have to add me if you think i'm creepy >_< *bows and runs away*


mulanreflection November 16 2005, 01:54:40 UTC
^_^ Hiya! Thanks. Heh. ^_^ Don't worry, you don't sound retarded or creepy. ^_^ I'll add you! I really just do this because they're people I don't want having access to my LJ (like people from school) and I'm a little paranoid. ^_^ Anyways. HI!


chatona December 29 2005, 17:33:10 UTC
Can I friend you? Pleeease?


mulanreflection December 29 2005, 21:11:04 UTC
Sure. Friend away! ^_^ *skips off to friend you as well*


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