Drabble :In which Aiba made Jun do something he wouldn’t normally do…^^

Aug 11, 2011 21:34

Sho looked around his surrounding, and nodded. More like approving to himself that the area was clear…

Clear from paparazzi.

Clear from delusional fans. Not that he didn’t appreciate their concern towards Aiba. It’s just better for Aiba to have undisturbed rest.

Walking slowly besides him was Nino. Almost half of his face hidden by his slightly oversized cap. He was walking slowly. Fatigue was clearly shown on his face. He was tired. All of them were, with Aiba being hospitalized again. But he’s mending quickly. He got to admit that he kinda missed having Aiba random moments while recording. And that’s why all of them were here. To pick him home.

A snort besides him made him stop the thinking spree he was having that moment.

He looked at Nino and found him smiling slightly.

Sho looked at him questioningly.

Nino only mouthed the word silently. But Sho knew he was saying “Riida”

Sho turned and chuckled.

The said man was walking freely without any concern of being recognized. Maybe that’s because his protruding jaw was already in place.

Yeah, right. Like that’s going to work, thought Sho to himself.



“Is Aiba’chan well enough to be dismissed from the hospital?” asked Nino.

A sudden burst of high-pitched laughter came out from nowhere.

Riida laughed softly. Protruding jaw forgotten.

“I guess that answers your question, Nino”

“Has Jun-kun arrived yet?? He said he’s going to join us this evening…” asked Riida, eyes wondering around, looking for the missing member.


Aiba’s laughter was heard again. This time it was slightly more hysterical than the first one.


“Get it off me before the others get here, idiot!!” replied an irritated voice that Sho knew belonged to Jun.

Nino suddenly got that gleeful look on his face which Sho didn’t like. Nope. Sho didn’t like it at all.

“Do you think we should wait for a while here before coming in?” asked Riida; a confused look on his face.

“Are you kidding me??” Nino took out his phone. The camera at the ready. He had that mad look on his face again, thought Sho worriedly.

“There’s nothing better than right now,” replied Nino as he opened the door.

The view that came to his vision was something really unexpected. Nino began clicking like mad, laughing away uncontrollably.  Along with Riida.

All Sho could do was gaped. Like a dying fish.

After all, a sight of flustered looking Jun complete with a fake pregnant belly was something you would never thought to see. Not in this lifetime anyway.

Yup. Definitely not in this lifetime.

Sho took out his phone and clicked.

drabbles, fic; arashi

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