LJ Idol Season 10

Nov 01, 2016 21:30

After a long hiatus, I have returned to LJ to participate in therealljidol's Season 10. As a relatively slow writer, I have learned that time management is the key, so shall pray for LJI writing weeks that include a weekend, and barring that, the stamina to withstand numerous late night scribbling sessions.

If you haven't tried LJ Idol yet, go here and sign ( Read more... )

lj idol

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Comments 12

witchwife November 2 2016, 03:53:54 UTC
Yessss! Loved your writing last time around and so glad to see you back.


muchtooarrogant November 2 2016, 13:22:24 UTC
Thank you! I've participated in a few LJI seasons, so am definitely not a newbie, but I almost feel like one, getting used to posting and replying here again. :)

Have fun and good luck this season!



wolfden November 2 2016, 05:13:30 UTC
Yay!!! I am excited you are back.


muchtooarrogant November 2 2016, 13:24:44 UTC
Thank you! I'm excited to be back, and can't wait to begin reading everyone's entries.

Good luck and happy writing this season!



eternal_ot November 2 2016, 13:16:28 UTC
Hey :) Good to see you back. Looking forward to reading your work.


muchtooarrogant November 2 2016, 13:19:40 UTC
Thank you! It's good to be back. :) I look forward to reading your entries as well.



cislyn November 2 2016, 15:02:46 UTC
*grins* Woohoo! I'm really glad you're playing!


muchtooarrogant November 2 2016, 15:07:47 UTC
Thank you! Your contributions will be missed! Are you certain we can't tempt you into signing up with some sort of bright and shiny topic?



sarcasmoqueen November 2 2016, 17:57:16 UTC
He's ALIVE!!

Looking forward to your writing AND regular posts (she says hopefully)!

Good luck to you too!


fFF muchtooarrogant November 2 2016, 21:51:53 UTC
LOL Yes, I am still alive, and will do my best to post regular life updates along with LJI entries. It'll be great getting caught up with you and the rest of my Flist as well.

May we both make it to the top ten! *grin*



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