Last Chance Idol #3, We Are All In The Gutter

Oct 13, 2014 16:45

When Jared entered the playing court, both teams had already finished forming up. The playing sphere had been activated, the lines denoting its four quadrants and out of bounds regions glowing softly. It looked like each side had the required six primary players, but neither one had any alternates. Ordinarily, there would have been plenty of ( Read more... )

last chance idol

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Comments 11

halfshellvenus October 14 2014, 19:10:28 UTC
Zero-G basketball would be a heck of a challenge? But what does the extra sixth player do?

I like the context in which you chose to embed the prompt. There is rarely only one side to any altercation, and rarely only distinct truth.


muchtooarrogant October 14 2014, 19:35:46 UTC
The ball is supposed to be passed in sequence from one player to the others on the team. When I chose six, I sorta had the idea of having them work in pairs, but that didn't make the cut. *grin* The game was just background, so although I needed it there, I didn't want it dominating every part of the story. In the end, I think it still does a bit, but I suppose it turned out okay. :)

Thanks for reading!



halfshellvenus October 14 2014, 19:40:32 UTC
It might have been more something I just noticed, since I can get a little rabid over basketball (sport of the GODS). :D


muchtooarrogant October 14 2014, 19:43:05 UTC
You and Lizbeth both! *grin*



karmasoup October 16 2014, 01:05:25 UTC
I like this world you've created. I like the game you've created, and the hard choices in front of this character, the politics that never change, even generations into the future. Well done with this.


muchtooarrogant October 16 2014, 16:51:11 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad you liked the world I dreamed up for this story. I've pretty much always thought that no matter how much technology changes, the human condition will remain pretty constant. That's both a comfort and a reason to feel a bit depressed at times, but such is life. :)



dmousey October 16 2014, 16:36:49 UTC
The casualties of war are often the children. That is how the hate becomes perpetuated. (Sigh)... Nice spilling of ink here, Thanks for the read. :)


muchtooarrogant October 16 2014, 16:54:34 UTC
Thank you for reading my ink spillings! :)



jem0000000 October 16 2014, 23:49:04 UTC
Awww. Good for him, for going back and being there, though.


muchtooarrogant October 17 2014, 00:28:30 UTC
Thank you! :)



jem0000000 October 18 2014, 23:20:43 UTC
You're welcome.


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