Who: Katara, whoever shows up
When: Monday evening
Where: The Meeting Hall between the reses. (Rezzes? Res'? Resi?)
What: Katara fails at computers. Also at finding her room.
Rating: G? Depends on who else shows up. XD
This wasn't anything like the world she knew. )
Comments 45
She looked a bit, well, different than what she was used to, not coming from an area with much of a wide range of ethnic backgrounds... But her own views mixed with that of the fact that everyone from this school seemed to be from a different place (which was pretty neat, actually; she recalled the boy in swimming class with bright red hair), so it really wasn't as much of a shock as it might have been a few weeks ago. A more important factor, though, was that she looked lost ( ... )
"I, uh . . . Yes," she said sheepishly, shrugging her shoulders. "I just got here. I'm Katara," she added, bowing slightly in greeting.
She straightened, letting her hands fold together as she looked at the other girl, a little curious. "Do you... need any help? I haven't been here for very long either, but I think I know where most places are now."
"Yes please," she replied enthusiastically. "I've . . . never been anywhere like this before. Where exactly are we?"
She turned a corner to what she thought *must* be the library and instead saw more hallway, and two other girls examining a piece of paper. One she thought she recognized - her room was only a few doors down.
"Um," she said sheepishly, "this isn't the way to the library, is it?"
"Hey! I can understand it!" she exclaimed. There was just no end to the surprises in this place, was there. "It looks like . . . Oh, there's my name. I'm in room 107, I guess?"
She looked around again. "So . . . which way is it? Are all the buildings like this?"
Chihiro started, eyes widening as she took in the color of her hair. She shook her head at the question, calming her expression down as she spoke. She was pretty sure she'd seen her before, anyway.
"No, the Library's in a different building. It's not too far from here, though." She paused, then added, as an afterthought, "I think."
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