No more lies, the truth will be told.

Jan 07, 2009 22:02

Who: Sebastian, Linali, Yozak, Atem, Frau and Dartz,
What: Sebastian has pulled Linali off for a little... 'chat'
Where: Park, Specifically the gazebo
When: Dec 31st - Jan 1st
Rating: PG-13 for suggestions and violence and trauma~

As your heart dies, your faith and love pulled... Away, away, into the night. What sounds so wrong, just might be right... )

sebastian, frau, atem, dartz, linali, event: new years eve, yozak

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Comments 89

dark_steps January 8 2009, 03:55:23 UTC
Linali was shocked when Sebastian swept her up into his arms, but not shocked enough to notice the speed at which he tore through the night air. He was no normal human, that much was for sure. She staggered forwards at his push but whirled angrily as soon as she caught her balance. "What's wrong with you?" she demanded, wrapping both arms around herself; it was freezing.

Sebastian's next words halted her outburst immediately. His smile did nothing to calm her nerves, already on edge at his blocking the way out. "Our conversation was unimportant; I barely know you so what would anything said between us have to do with him? Other than what you said earlier." Linali attempted nonchalance but her nerves and the cold were beginning to make her shiver. What in the world had he meant by half-demon?


flingerofforks January 8 2009, 05:44:41 UTC
Sebastian caught her final shiver, noticing that it was not caused by the cold. Oh, how strong, how brave... how incredibly stupid and naive. Sebastian held a hand to his chest, still smiling calmly now.

"You wanted to know more about what I meant, and I wanted to tell you... without that man taking any brash actions." Sebastian was so nice about this, too nice. He peered down into Linali's eyes, the smile fading a bit. "You asked what I meant by half demon... It's quite simple. One of his parents were human, and one of his parents must have been a demon... Though the idea of a demon and a human making something like that is utterly... Uh."


dark_steps January 8 2009, 05:49:46 UTC
Linali's hands flew to her sides, her fists balled up. "There is nothing 'uh' about Yozak," she managed through grit teeth. "Half-demon, whole demon, whatever. I don't judge people by what they are, but by their actions. Yozak is incredibly sweet and honest; I don't expect him to tell me every little thing about himself because everyone has things they're ashamed of." Her eyes flashed angrily as she spoke, and she barely resisted the urge to stomp her foot.


flingerofforks January 8 2009, 06:31:49 UTC
"My dear..." Sebastian began, forcing himself not to laugh at her little outburst. "Sweet and honest? To whom... you or Dartz?" He was refering to the way the two had been dancing inside. Sebastian took a step closer,an arm extended...ready to catch her if she tried to run.

"That halfbreed can put on a show like no other... but who is he preforming for? Consider the facts... He's kind to both you AND Dartz, but Dartz was told about his heritage sooner. I wonder who could have told him, aside from the only one from the halfbreeds world? And if he kept that a secret from you, what elseis he hiding? If he's keeping horrible secrets, if he's lied to you about which side he's one, if he's deceived you into believing he is the nice guy..." Sebastian was directly in front of her now, grabbing a hold of one of her fist with that devilish smile. "Either you've been played, or you just weren't good enough for him. I bet the latter happens often with you~"


draw_a_card January 10 2009, 04:51:49 UTC
Atem was... Not expecting Yozak to pick up the entire chair. He made a comically expression, clinging tightly to the chair and now instantly awake as Yozak pelted out of the room and headed for the grounds. This was not Atem's idea of a good night, though he was more concerned about Linali. Yozak had said she'd be with Dartz' friend? Sebastian, it had to be... Who Atem had a distinct feeling was very similar to Dartz both in charm and level of evil.

"Y-Yozak, put me down." He demanded once he'd found his voice again. "It is entirely possible for me to walk! Or run, as the case may require."


miss_bicepz January 10 2009, 05:51:13 UTC
"Too late boyo, no time to slow down now!" Yozak zipped between the treeline, following a noise he had heard earlier, and right into the park. Why would Sebastian bring her to such an open, obvious spot? It couldn't be here... then he caught a glimpse of the gazebo. He remembered that particular dress shine. Ignoring the clinging of Atem to the chair, Yozak darted off across the open area and right up to the gazebo before slowing.

He seemed almost a bit cautious, peeking curiously into the gazebo before walking in. Yes, he was still holding the chair and Atem up. "What happened, Linali?" Yozak asked quickly, his voice not as calm as usual. The dark hid the fact that his eyes were darting back and forth to every corner of the new environment, his open hand twitching slightly, ready to pull his blade.


draw_a_card January 10 2009, 06:07:00 UTC
He didn't bother to argue, still clinging, and trying not to let nausea overtake him. He actually endedup shutting his eyes, trusting Yozak not to drop him, and only once they'd finally slowed did he open his eyes.

They were in the gazebo, it seemed, which was quite dark. He didn't sense Sebastian, but he did sense Linali, and as they neared he could make her out even with his temporarily-hampered vision. He slid off the chair, as Yozak wasn't putting him down, and it took a little effort to keep his balance as he stepped towards Linali. "Are you alright?"


miss_bicepz January 10 2009, 06:21:28 UTC
Yozak set the chair down, watching the two lovebirds now. He pulled his hair back in a black ribbon: this was serious business. Without a word, he slid off his coat and walked over to the poor girl. As gentle as possible, he set her upright and draped the coat (which was FREAKIN' HUGE on her btw) over her shoulders, looking even more charming and prince like now.

"You two stay here. I'm going to scout the area first." He looked at Atem, a serious look on his face for once... it was actually quite threatening. "Keep her safe and call if you see anything." As soon as the words were out of his mouth, Yozak pulled the sword from it's sheath and leapt out of the gazebo, instant disappearing into the treeline that bordered the park.


miss_bicepz January 11 2009, 01:07:35 UTC
To say the least, Yozak did not looks amused as he ran through the forest, weaving between the trees with ease. Even though he said he was simply scouting the area, his intentions were much more... violent. Something then caught his attention, a black silhouette in the far distance, watching from the treeline. Of course, like the criminal would leave before watching the damage he had done to the victim! Without hesitation, Yozak leaped up into the trees, jumping from branch to branch silently. When he was close enough, Yozak dropped and burst forward, sword out and ready to...

Oh wait, that's not Sebastian or Dartz. Skidding to a stop, Yozak was just a foot or two away from the man before he realized it was Frau. Why... in the hell... was he here... Yozak set the heavy blade over his shoulder with a raised eyebrow.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Yozak finally asked, a mixture between surprise and amusement in his tone.


ibreakrules January 11 2009, 01:11:43 UTC
Frau lowered the bascule and released his hold on the zaiphon that he'd been prepared to use. He sighed heavily. "I would say the same to you. Tch, running out like that with a sword. It'll give people the wrong idea." He sighed and scratched at his head. "I followed you out here when you took Atem. Figured it would be amusing since I saw that guy leaving with Linali."


fabulous_spy January 11 2009, 01:20:35 UTC
"Hiding out in the woods in the middle of the night will do the same thing," Yozak sighed, managing to smile at Frau. He might have been an ass, but at least he was an amusing ass. A little more relaxed now, Yozak's eyes widened when he mention Sebastian and Linali. "Glad we could be of some entertainment to you, but you didn't happen to see which way the black haired man went, did you?"


ibreakrules January 11 2009, 01:24:33 UTC
"If I had seen where the guy had gone, I probably would have gone after him. It might be more entertaining than watching a girl cry." That, and though Frau would never admit it, but he didn't particularly like seeing girls cry. That was worth acting on sometimes as long as nobody knew that was the reason he was acting.


flingerofforks January 11 2009, 01:37:21 UTC
Sebastian held back a laugh, sticking around long enough at the forest's edge to make sure the men found her. How cute, she probably had every man in the place wrapped around her delicate finger. Still smiling, he disappeared into the woods, literally again.

When Sebastian reappeared, he was in the courtyard, right behind his master. Still smiling, he bowed. "My apologies for keeping you waiting, my lord."


acceptmytruth January 11 2009, 01:49:01 UTC
Dartz had hung back, waiting until Sebastian had left the area to put some distance between himself and the gazebo, knowing that one or both of Yozak and Atem would be on the lookout for anyone hanging around. He found this all quite amusing, really... Like an elaborate game of hide and go seek and tag mixed together.

He was not surprised by Sebastian's sudden appearance, smiling a bit himself and nodding in greeting. "No harm done; it seems you were enjoying yourself."


flingerofforks January 11 2009, 02:16:32 UTC
Sebastian rose, ready to respond... then he saw Dartz's hair. He just... kinda... stared for a moment, blinking in pure, 100% shock. It wasn't that it looked bad, actually it might have even been a bit of an improvement, but just...

"... May I ask what happened, master?" He's holding down the lolz so hard right here.


acceptmytruth January 11 2009, 02:29:25 UTC
Dartz found Sebstian's expression quite hilarious, and therefore had to restrain his own laughter as well. He reached up to mess with one of the choppy locks, stating lightly. "Oh, I had something of an encounter with a sword."


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