STOP! Zombie Time.

Dec 02, 2008 22:52

Who: Izumi, Rhyme, Shiki, Tsuzuki
When: After this cry for help.
Where: It's going all over the place
What: Rhyme and Shiki need a rescue during the zombie madness, so Batman and Robin the Boy Wonder Izumi, along with Tsuzuki's help, go on a rescue mission.
Rating: PG just in case of zombie attack

Just don't get bitten. )

tsuzuki asato, virus: zombie infestation, shiki, rhyme, izumi

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Comments 46

itsfashionable December 3 2008, 19:17:46 UTC
The zombie threat scared Shiki half to death. The girl always hated horror movies and closed her eyes during the gory parts, but never in a million years did she imagine she'd actually be in one! She had narrowly escaped being attacked by one of the undead on her way back to her dorm moments ago, but was still shaking from the ordeal. The pink haired teen sat frozen in the courtyard, not too far away from House Rho where the infestation was in progress.

She didn't really know where to go or what areas of the school were safe. She felt deep guilt for not being able to go inside to help Rhyme, who was like a little sister to her who she promised to protect. How can she protect anyone when she was this frightened? She couldn't even protect herself! The sound of moaning and screaming were getting closer and closer, causing her to bolt up from her seat releasing a small yelp ( ... )


c_is_for_cakey December 3 2008, 20:49:01 UTC
Izumi had asked for his aid. That was perfectly fine with Tsuzuki. Going to help out the other shinigami was totally worth it. thougth Tsuzuki wasn't as afraid as he'd made himself out to be, he didn't want to be alone. So he'd headed off to the girl's dorm to help out with the rescue mission. Thankfully, the path had been rather zombie free... which meant that he wouldn't have to run for his life a hard time finding Izumi.

He spotted Izumi rather quickly, his face lighting up with excitement. "Need some help?" Tsuzuki called up with a wave. He wasn't really that bothered by the entire zombie thing. He'd seen worse, a lot worse.


bellsanddreams December 3 2008, 21:54:30 UTC
Ever since she heard that Izumi was going to save her from the zombie attacks in her dorm building, Rhyme had sprouted a little hope in her heart. She sat on her bed, which was seemingly by the window of their room, but she was too afraid to look out of it in case she saw some gross, gray zombie with it's arm falling off walking around outside, searching for brains of whatever it was they ate ( ... )


frozen_railroad December 4 2008, 04:02:25 UTC
A little more kick in the giddy-up would have been a little more appreciated. Izumi's impatience was beginning to get the best of the unlikely circumstance. When t came to someone he wanted to protect, Izumi would go to any length to make sure they're alright. This was no different for Rhyme right now ( ... )


bellsanddreams December 4 2008, 04:15:07 UTC
Rhyme had been rocking gently, if ever so slightly, to a song she was humming. She found that if she hummed loud enough, the sounds of the zombies would act like a little addition to her song and she wouldn't be so scared. The distraction had stopped her tears for now, but it wouldn't be so when she saw her savior.

With the plushie still clutched in one hand, Rhyme stiffened at the touch, initially frightened, but soothed easily whens he heard Izumi's voice. Her eyes opened to reveal just how watery they'd gotten from that little sentence and she stood, wrapping her arms around Izumi's neck from the bed. "Izumi! You came! Thank you, thank you! I was so scared!!! I'm so glad you're not hurt!!"

She sniffled, using her plushie to wipe at her eyes since removing her arms from around his neck wasn't something she wanted to do. Swallowing, she tried to at least control her voice. "We can..get out through the window but I don't know if there are any zombies out there...I haven't looked, I was too scared."


frozen_railroad December 4 2008, 22:04:55 UTC
Another embrace from Rhyme...but it wasn't such a bother anymore. Honestly...Izumi was getting used to Rhyme's affection toward the Shinigami. He couldn't wouldn't let her go. His hand held her head close to his chest, allowing his shirt to get a little wet from her tears. The girl had every reason to be be desperately reaching out for someone. "It's alright, Bell-chan. I'm here." Izumi couldn't make the nightmare go away, but he could comfort the girl until it was over ( ... )


bellsanddreams December 5 2008, 04:28:42 UTC
It was amazing the sense of calm that washed over her just by being in Izumi's presence. It hadn't taken long for the girl to dubb him her replacement brother. He was everything Beat would be if he were here; kind, caring, helpful. He was so sweet to her; Rhyme could only hope to repay him for that sweetness another time. Maybe she'd make him a plushie someday...she'd have to find out his favorite animal first ( ... )


itsfashionable December 4 2008, 06:30:24 UTC
Shiki would probably be pretty traumatized from all this once it was over--if she survived, that is. From where she stood, the zombies were headed in her direction. God, she hoped someone would come soon to help her escape from the ever growing threat. Mr. Mew was a formidable weapon as well as companion, but there was no way she could concentrate on controlling him in her state.

Without much hesitation, she turned around and began to run. Shiki wasn't sure if they spotted her or not, but she wasn't going to take any chances. She wasn't about to get devoured!

"Just find your happy place... thinkhappythoughts, happythoughts!" she muttered under her breath in her sprint.


c_is_for_cakey December 4 2008, 19:00:11 UTC
Being how Tsuzuki didn't know who Shiki was, he figured he'd just head to the courtyard and help out wherever was there. He wasn't really picky about who he ended up helping. No, to deal with the trouble of getting around these zombies quickly. Well, the best way was to get someone who wouldn't be affected by the zombies... Byakko would agree. He was game for just about anything.

Tsuzuki quickly folded his hands, white energy flying around him. "I summon you as one of the twelve gods. The superior blade. The ultimate shield of wind. The holy fangs. I summon you to appear before me! Byakko!"


A shadow washed over Shiki and then disappeared as there was a loud thump behind her. A loud roar the shook the ground followed. Tsuzuki, sitting on Byakko's back, turned to look back at the girl. "Shiki?" he called down, hoping that he was right.


itsfashionable December 5 2008, 04:40:39 UTC
Running as far as her legs could carry her, Shiki dashed through the Courtyard. Her plush cat, Mr. Mew was hanging off the back of her hood, trying its best not to fall off and get left behind. All the running she did in the Underground paid off! She was like a pink and brown bullet. Then again, fear can do that to a person.

The teen saw a large shadow fly over her, but didn't pay too much attention to it until... "MaybeifIcangettothe--KYAA!!" She lost her balance, nearly falling to the ground from the shockwave caused by Byakko. Shiki tried to turn around to find the source, but ended up falling on her rear.

"Owww..." she cried out as she impacted onto the cements. She held her side trying to soothe the minor scrape as Mr. Mew jumped into her lap. For a moment, she could have sworn she heard someone say her name. "Huh?" Turning her head, she sees Tsuzuki sitting ontop of what looked like a large white tiger.

"Y-Yes? Are... Are you here to help me?"


c_is_for_cakey December 5 2008, 16:08:50 UTC
Tsuzuki tipped his head to the side and grinned. "Yes," he told her warmly. "Izumi asked me to!" He leaned over the side of Byakko and held out his hand to her. "Come on, let's get out of here."

Byakko was busy batting the zombies lightly away. The tiger was getting mildly sick of this and was getting close to simply picking Shiki up in his jaws and tossing her up with Tsuzuki. It was difficult for the shikigami to retrain himself enough to be sure that he didn't hurt the zombie people. That, and they were just gross...


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