Warning: 6 year olds are more dangerous than they appear

Oct 16, 2008 21:32

Who: Anyone, adults and kids!
When:  After this journal entry~
Where: The Quad
What: Komui wants to gather all the children to keep an eye on them and stop the fights.
Rating: PG tops... they're kids people...

(Hey, teacher, leave those kids alone...) )

komui, everyone, virus: child regression

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whyyesirock October 17 2008, 05:21:11 UTC
Cross groaned as he appeared in the Quad. Some things never changed, after all. He lay on the grass and started to drink something or the other.

"I showed up, can I go now?"


dark_steps October 17 2008, 05:28:17 UTC
[have a hyper Linali!]

Linali, spotting her "boyfriend", ran over to Cross' side, smiling brightly. "Hi Cross-nii! I'm glad you came!" She poked at the drink in his hand. "What's that? Can I have a drink?"


whyyesirock October 17 2008, 05:31:39 UTC
Damn kids, he couldn't wait for Linali to grow up again, honestly.

"No, you can't. It's not good for you."


dark_steps October 17 2008, 05:36:58 UTC
Linali pouted, but didn't argue. "Fiiiiiiiiiiine..." She pointed towards the coed dorms and smiled at Cross. "I'm going there to get my new friend Ryou," she confided, whispering in his ear. "I'm gonna go get him and then come back and we can all play, ne?" She patted his arm before running off, singing to herself in Chinese.


furthest_from October 17 2008, 06:22:27 UTC
And there Ryou waited in his room--well, half-waited and half-wondered if he should just run out of the room instead in the other direction. It wasn't that he was scared of Linali exactly--more like, he was scared of everything that had to do with this place and everyone. Being ten made it easier, but still not that easy. He was the same shy person and he wondered if he had made a mistake asking her to come. But then...she was only like six right now so what bad thoughts could she really have of him?

...Besides, there was the chance she wouldn't show. His more sensible, scared side hoped she wouldn't but then, being ten really did make him want to play, maybe just a little--and she seemed nice, perhaps a little overwhelming.

He paced in his room, tripping over his too-long pant leg. "Dang!" He managed to not fall over--this time, anyways. Having his clothing fit would be a dream come true right about now.


dark_steps October 17 2008, 07:19:25 UTC
Rushing through the front door of House Omega, Linali continued singing to herself as she found what looked like a 1-0-3 on one of the doors. Smiling brightly at the prospect of a new friend, she banged on the door. "Ryou!" she called out happily. "I'm here and I'm coming in!" Reaching up on her tiptoes, she opened the door, still smiling.


furthest_from October 17 2008, 17:33:31 UTC
Ryou was erupted from his nervous habit, actually jumping at the loud pounding on his door. He was startled, quite certain for a moment that it was someone quite unwelcome trying to get him. And then reality came back to him, and he heard a high-pitched little girl's voice. His heart stopped beating so fast, letting out a breath of relief.

He watched as his door opened, a little surprised she had just walked in. Then again, she was a very young child and she probably didn't know any better for the moment--he could only imagine how embarrassing that would've been if he had been changing or something. "Oh, hey!" He chimed, smiling shyly as he made his way to the door. "You've got a strong arm--your knocking scared me, maybe just a little!"


dark_steps October 17 2008, 17:41:12 UTC
Looking up at him, Linali tilted her head to the side. Why had he been scared? Her six year old mind pondered it for a brief second before she shook her head. Oh well! "I came to get you Ryou!" she told him proudly. "See, I keep my promises!" She held out the coloring book and the crayons, looking around the room.

"Ne, Ryou? Can we color here for a while? I wanna play with just you for a little bit because you're cuuuuuuuute~" She smiled up at him, waving the coloring book around and giggling.


furthest_from October 18 2008, 05:31:45 UTC
He laughed softly, eyes widening at the crayons and coloring books in her hands. Obviously she hadn't been kidding--she really did intend to make him color. When was the last time he'd done something like that? He truthfully couldn't remember--anymore it felt like he'd never had much of a childhood at all. Had he really been like her as a child once, carefree and able to have all the fun he wanted, no matter what anyone else thought? "You really do, don't you?"

She reminded him terribly of someone he hadn't seen in years--his sister. His thoughts were broken though when she mentioned that she found him "cute". "W-What!" Immediately he began to get flustered. His cheeks warmed and he turned his face away from the girl. "I-I mean...err, that is..."

He cleared his throat, trying to remember what it was he had been thinking about. He brought his palms to his cheeks in order to cover his cherry red face. "I-I guess we'd better get back to the Quad then so we can start coloring!"


dark_steps October 18 2008, 06:45:25 UTC
"I do!" Linali exclaimed, pumping her tiny fist into the air. She tilted her head, looking up into his face. "Ne, Ryou, why are you so red? Did I say something weird?" She peered up at him for another few seconds before rushing over and wrapping her little arms around his waist. "Ne, Bakura's mean to you, right? I won't let him do that anymore, promise!"


furthest_from October 18 2008, 21:18:36 UTC
He quirked an eyebrow at her antics, unable to wipe the smile from his face. Linali was certainly someone that was...easily likable--unlike some of the other personalities Ryou had met over Live Journal here. Then again, anyone that could hurt Bakura and get away with it was pretty much a god in his book.

"H-huh, oh, oh no!" He cried, trying to make her believe what was obviously a lie. It wasn't that what she had said was weird exactly, just that it was a compliment and Ryou had never figured out how to take those without becoming a stuttering mess. And it only got worse as she attached herself to him. His eyes nearly popped from his head, staring down at her in shock.

"U-Uhh..." Well this certainly was no normal introduction. He knew he should think of something to say to make himself seem more...manly because a real man wouldn't have gotten so twisted up just because of a few words from a little girl.

...But Ryou was foolish and being ten made it even harder to accept that some stranger, even a child, could care what ( ... )


dark_steps October 18 2008, 22:56:09 UTC
Linali gave him an extra squeeze, and big smile. "Good! Cause when I'm big again, he's really gonna be in for it! When I'm big, my boots are AMAZING. I can definitely beat him, even if he brings out that monster thing again. I'm not scared of him at ALL." She took Ryou's hand. "So don't worry about a thing, okay? I'll take care of you. Let's go!"


furthest_from October 20 2008, 02:14:09 UTC
Her boots...? He quirked an eyebrow in confusion. He wanted to ask but wondered if he should save the question in hopes that she would tell him a little more about herself and where she came from, exactly. Instead, he decided to build up her self-esteem and just agree for now. "Mm, of course you will." He laughed, shyly letting her take his hand. Had he ever even held hands with anyone -since- he was this age?

"Alright, I can do that. No worries!" He started leading her out the door, reaching for his door's handle to close it behind them. "So..." He thought how silly they both looked right now, holding hands and Ryou stumbling along in his ill-fitted wardrobe.


dark_steps October 20 2008, 03:39:08 UTC
Swinging their clasped hands between them, Linali lead the way to the door, her coloring book in her other hand. "Oh, and Cross-nii is already there! And I'm sure lots of other people will show up soon. Komui-nii promised me I could play with everyone," she confided, looking up at him with a smile. "You should meet everyone and play some. It'll be fun, promise!" One of her pigtails came loose, but she ignored it, brushing the hair out of her face and grinning.


furthest_from October 20 2008, 05:27:23 UTC
Their hands swinging just made it look that much worse, didn't it? Thank goodness it was everyone in the school who was having this problem and not just him--this way he didn't feel so stupid for actually liking having his little girl escort who liked to do funny things like this. "Is Cross your friend? I don't think I've seen or heard of that person yet," He admitted, trying to think back to all the journal entries he'd sifted through in his vast amount of spare time.

"I...will try my best," He answered, though he honestly wasn't sure how well this would go over for him. Though he was nice and a friendly person, he had problems actually starting and holding conversations--not to mention some of the people here just seemed plain mean. He eyed her pigtail that came undone and bit his lip, wondering if he should say something. She didn't seem to mind it though, but it was a little funny for her to walk around like that ( ... )


dark_steps October 20 2008, 07:49:53 UTC
Linali nodded, holding tightly to his hand. "He's my friend," she confided. "He and Komui-nii fight a lot, but I love them both lots so I let them." She pulled at his hand. "Don't frown, smile! You're gonna make lots of friends!"

"Ehhhh?!" Linali cried out, touching her hair. "Oh hey, it came out, it came out!" she said, hyperactive as she could possibly be. "Yeah, fix it Ryou! I bet you'll do even better than Komui-nii!"


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