Man Down! Man Down!

Dec 31, 2007 21:34

CSI Miami is on and it's an episode I've never seen, from season five when Eric get's shot, "Man Down". semaj_moonlight saw it and said it was good, and it is! It's really good! XD The scene between Eric and Calleigh was so sweet. I wanted to cry, but I didn't, cause I'm macho ( Read more... )

babble, blogathon, new year's eve, csi miami

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Comments 2

semaj_moonlight January 1 2008, 04:01:18 UTC
Save the man! Save the Man!!! Too many bitches in the world.....


mu_333 January 1 2008, 04:04:21 UTC
I KNOW RIGHT! Bitches gotta diiiieeee....


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