
Jan 02, 2011 22:02

I don't usually do recs, but things seem to have been a bit quiet on that front this time, so I'm going to have a go.

I'm always so pleased, reading through the MTYG stories, by how many *good* ones there are. I think it's a challenge that pulls really cools stories out of people, and we're quite often surprised by what we can write, when we have to. Also, I have a suspicion that trying really hard to please *one* person actually makes it easier to write something that pleases lots of people.

Incidentally, I followed my usual habit of reading all the stories from the recipient list, so that (with a couple of obvious exceptions) I didn't know in advance what the pairing would be. I like this-it gives me the chance to be surprised by a pairing that the author is cunningly disguising, or to see a pairing grow organically in the story without me knowing in advance that it'll be there. Besides, it's be a shame to miss out on a great story just because it's not my favourite pairing.

First: the stories that make me laugh-which is always a good thing-and/or smile, because they're funny and have something else going on as well.

Barking Mad
written for Me, heh.

Good things can come in small packages, like this story and Chris Kirkpatrick transformed into a chihuahua and forced into a pink sweater and Swarovski collar by the evil Justin. My first shriek of laughter came at "You quiero Taco Bell, you little shit," and there were plenty more giggles after that. But there's also long-term-pining Trickyfish, which is one of my favourite things, and a lovely characterisation of Lance, and an ending that leaves me to imagine the happy sexy Trickyfishiness that most certainly comes next. It's delightful.

The Pussycat Monologues
for Mirjam

There's a handsome cat (which may or may not be Lance/psychic/a missing member of the Carter clan), and this works very well for JC, who treats it with wary respect and tells it his secrets and asks its advice. Along the way JC enjoys Nick, and AJ, and he doesn't like Reichen at all. He likes Lance, though. He likes Lance a lot.

I love the way this story is written. It's funny, and sorta rambly, it meanders along little byways and unexpected paths before it gets where it's going, which is a perfectly JC-ish thing for it to do, and as it is JC's story that works out very well. Giggles and hotness in abundance along the way.

written for hurricanemegan

JC is afraid. Justin seems to be… well, interested in him. So he bribes Lance to keep Justin occupied, to take his mind off JC. Lance is happy to comply.

I laughed at so many things in this story. The dialogue is hilarious, and the descriptions are fabulous. JC crumpled down onto it like a very stately chimney demolition. Enormous fun.

Tooth and Claw
for kikiduck

So Brian's freshly divorced, and stumbles into a Vegas chapel to marry AJ in a fit of drunkenness… and the publicity people decide this is good for sales, so they get to stay married. Yes, it's an absurd premise, but hey, my story has Chris turning into a chihuahua. The trick is to do it well, and whoever wrote this did a great job.

Nothing Says Love Like A Pinecone In Your Seat (Or A Frog In Your Pocket)
written for nopseud

"I sang the contract," Brian says. "All of it." Bweeeee! Yes, Chris is a bit of a menace when he has nothing to do. And Brian is fiendishly, awesomely cunning. Actually, this is a sneakily adorable portrait of the Chris/Brian relationship (be afraid!), they know one another very well, and they are fantastic together. (Why is there not more of this pairing?)

Stories I like primarily for something other than the laughter factor:

Turn of the Tide
written for Tally

"The stubborn dumbasses are usually the cuties you can't forget," Brian said.

I *like* stories where the wife is in on the deal. I like stories where the participants have to *think* before they get into a relationship, where they behave like grownups, and here, AJ and Brian have the potential for a relationship, but they don't go ahead with it. And there's a parade of tiny turtles making their way towards the sea, except that one of them's a defective turtle who keeps going the wrong way. Actually, I think I had a lump in my throat at the part where the baby turtles are heading for the ocean.

This is a wonderful, careful story, and I think everything in it makes me happy.

for Sarah

A very cool historical AU about the time when Vegas was just beginning to be Vegas, the Hoover Dam was being built, and the Boys go in search of work. There's a very prickly relationship with a Past between Brian and AJ, but they can't manage to stay away from one another. Yum. And then, there are developments-history! stuff happens!-and the boys get together and become Boys. It's really incredibly charming.

The Fellowship of Misery
for luxshine

Awesome title. This is an AU with Chris as a successful comic strip creator (okay, this is genius). Another very grown-up story, and the kind of AU I like, interesting and plausibly built. I'm intrigued to know the details of the 'Fellowship', but there's enough to make me believe in the back-story. And the whole thing is filled with love.

Falling Back
for KC

I find it hard to figure out what to say about this story. It's not in the 'makes me smile' category of most of the above; it's got a heart-wrenching atmosphere, makes me feel the kind of inescapable pull that Lance feels. A relationship that doesn't end, but hasn't settled into simple happiness either. Beautifully written, anyway.

Seeing You Again for the First Time
for Chalcopyrite

Chris discovers he isn't happy, and he isn't sure why not. But JC shows up looking for inspiration and the right vibes, and that has to be a good thing. Except, Chris somehow doesn't quite… This is lovely, with lots of great insights and a gorgeous 'feel' to it.

I could have included several others (and it's good to be able to say that when there are only, what, forty-four in the whole challenge), but for today, these are the ones I'm recommending.


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