Apr 27, 2010 22:02
- 10:27 @ ClaireinLA So funny... I put on some of my new Chanel lip gloss this morning, too. And neck cricks all around. That W bed was comfy, though #
- 10:28 It looks like a party bomb went off in my house #
- 10:58 OK... off to the gym, to the Apple store, and to buy a shitload of thank you cards #
# - 13:36 @ DartsDomain *sigh* I wish, my dear friend, I
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Apr 26, 2010 22:03
- 07:30 *sob* RT @ClaireinLA: Last morning in LA... #
- 07:42 Cinderella birthday weekend is ending and soon back to reality. But first, Mimosas in bed. Don't wanna go... #
Apr 23, 2010 22:02
- 08:46 RT @notwoodyallen: well hot damn it, happy birthday, @marinastmark! i hope you leave the w in rubble, & the kink parties in burning embers! #
- 08:48 @ notwoodyallen Thank you! We will, and hopefully we'll get a good picture or two along the way to show you... #
Apr 21, 2010 22:02
- 14:52 There are so very many reasons I'm grateful for hot wax... #
Apr 20, 2010 22:03
13:48 Tried on the corset I just made and it's so freaken sexy, I wanna molest myself. #
Apr 18, 2010 22:02
- 12:08 Birthday cake for breakfast? Awhellyeah... #
- 18:53 So excited to be spending some time in the @fierce_couture studio. Wanna roll around in all the yummy latex... #
- 19:44 Yup. I think tonight calls for Thai food. #
- 19:51 @ ClaireinLA Yes!!! I can't wait for you to see it! Still can't believe you're actually going to BE here to be able to see it
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Apr 02, 2010 22:03
- 07:57 Weird... Woke up with ABBA in my head #
- 12:19 @ aradiaardor @imkarenb @LOTS_SPOILERS Take a chance Take a chance Take a chance chance chance #
- 21:32 Movie... knitting... bubble bath... wine. Debauchery tomorrow. #
Mar 21, 2010 22:00
- 22:25 Leather wins the night... There will be pics... Driving in a corset SUCKS. #
- 22:59 Thank you, valet guy!!! I'd go out so much more if I didn't have to drive but he saved me tonight. #
- 23:13 Heh... Actually it's my boobs that win the night. #
- 02:51 The only thing better than putting a corset on is taking a corset off... #
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Mar 07, 2010 23:01
- 09:56 Happy Oscar Day! #
- 11:11 11:11 #
- 13:51 In order to watch award shows, esp the Oscars, I always have to wear comfy clothes but put on dark red lipstick in homage to the dressing up #
- 14:04 My lipstick and I are off to curl up with friends and watch the show! #
- 15:03 Eeeeeeee... LA is craaaaazy today! #