Figuratively Speaking - Castle/Beckett (1/1)

Oct 29, 2011 20:17

Title: Figuratively Speaking (1/1)
Fandom: Castle
Characters:Rick Castle, Kate Beckett
Genre:Het, future!fic, saucy dialogue and adult situations
Rating:R (but only just)
Length:600 words
Summary:He's a writer. It's his job to notice things.
Author's note:Help me, for I have committed Castle fic. I have been struggling with ( Read more... )

scribblecat artwork, r, castle/beckett, scribblecat, castle fic, omg first fic in new fandom hold me, het

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Comments 47

serendipityxxi October 29 2011, 11:53:55 UTC
Very interesting, indeed. Katherine Beckett, your Freudian slip is showing. LOL! Such a very Castle-y line!! I also loved the bit about complaining about the pov switch! Excellent Castle voice! :)


msgenevieve October 30 2011, 04:48:48 UTC
Heh. Thank you so much, my dear! It helps that Castle is so very snarky at times, even in his head. *g*


hummingfly67 October 29 2011, 12:21:11 UTC
Oh, well done. Funny, sexy, fantastic internal Castle voice.
Clever with the metaphors.

Very interesting, indeed. Katherine Beckett, your Freudian slip is showing.

Bwahaha. I really did laugh out loud.

Kudos! Please, feel free to commit again.


msgenevieve October 30 2011, 04:50:00 UTC
Thanks so very much! I made you laugh out loud? Seriously? Well, you have now made me grin like a loon. Thanks again.


microgirl8225 October 29 2011, 14:16:10 UTC
This was soooooo sexy. I really like the parallel you drew between Kate's dominance in bed to her need always drive. Castle's internal dialogue made me grin. This was fantastic! Please write more for this fandom.


msgenevieve October 30 2011, 04:51:08 UTC
As Castle once said, she's very good at bossing men around. *smirks* Thanks so much for the feedback!


sk56 October 29 2011, 16:53:55 UTC
You know, the last time I read one of your stories for a show I didn't watch, I got suckered into Prison Break and spent all kinds of time with the show and the stories.

But I'm always a pushover for something you describe as "saucy dialogue."

Big fun!


msgenevieve October 30 2011, 04:52:24 UTC
Thank you very much.

You know that that's all part of my evil plan, to get *you* to write Castle fic. And I would have gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for you darned kids. *g*


sk56 October 30 2011, 06:03:18 UTC
Well, first I'd have to actually see some of the show. But stranger things have happened, as you know.


msgenevieve October 30 2011, 06:15:23 UTC
Go on. You know you want to. :)


fialka October 29 2011, 17:51:41 UTC
Welcome, o! newbie - please to be staying.

(PS: is it warm in here?)


msgenevieve October 30 2011, 04:53:22 UTC
Heh. Thank you! Been a while since I was a newbie in a fandom - it's rather nervewracking, lol!


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