Title: A Postcard from the Edge (1/1)
Fandom: Prison Break
Characters: Sara Tancredi, Michael Scofield, mention of Nurse Katie
Pairing: Michael/Sara
Length: 1,962 words
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Do you really believe that? That you can get it all back? Spoilers for #201, Manhunt and the vague spoilers for the whole of Season Four so far. I have
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Comments 34
TPTB need to hire you as a writer so MiSa can have these wistful conversations on-screen rather than just in my head..
Great fic and you can look back and smile when you finish, I like that.
I miss Katie and I'd love Sarah to be able to catch up with her. Can you imagine the look on her face when she finds out who Sarah's been 'hanging out' with? And also when she finds out what happened to Sara. Whoa.
I love fics about Sara, but this was even nicer because they made a plan together for the After TIme.
These are my fav lines:
I think too many things to forget, and I think they have to live with them, give it a place and make sure that they don't haunt them during the day and night, but that takes time... Time they hopefully have...
<“You’re more than just a pretty face, are you, Scofield?”>
Ha did it take Sara that long to realize that there are brains behind his pretty face?! But I don't blame her though, he IS pretty :)
PS Sorry for stalking your inbox with edited posts but my laptop is going crazy I think... Last try though...
I could spend the day rereading this !!
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