squee, flail, breathe. repeat.

Jun 25, 2008 22:34

I am suffering from Doctor Who and Prison Break squee-flail-breathe-repeat syndrome, but I suspect I'm not about to stop torturing myself any time soon, because where's the fun in that?

This clip shows the last few minutes of Turn Left. I have watched it so many times I've lost count, and every single time I get goosebumps and that weird tight ( Read more... )

prison break, doctor who, spoilers, zomg

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Comments 84

scribblecat June 25 2008, 13:34:09 UTC
I'm afraid of speculation that could bear truth from spoilers so I'll just set up a table with some plastic cups and beverages and some potato chips for the spoiler convention and leave. *wusses out*
P.S However Theresa did find it okay to leave her new baby and go on the honeymoon with Maricruz so maybe TPTB have forgotten that she has a kid anyway, and this is Sucre jnr. I guess it's a good storyline for him but TOO DAMN EARLY!
No more promos for me.


msgenevieve June 25 2008, 13:37:17 UTC
Perhaps you could distract yourself by making sure the punch bowl isn't spiked? There's a love.

P.S However Theresa did find it okay to leave her new baby and go on the honeymoon with Maricruz so maybe TPTB have forgotten that after all, and it is Sucre jnr. I guess it's a good storyline for him but TOO DAMN EARLY!

That baby simply CANNOT be born yet. Unless they do a two month jump ahead for that particular scene and back again, then I will be happy to go, "Awwwwww" instead of "Oh, come ON!" *g*


scribblecat June 25 2008, 13:42:58 UTC
It can be like Lost! Perhaps he has wrapped up blankets and it is a ploy he has worked with Theresa so that the cops outside dont shoot him.
Or it's a sickly baby alpaca. Hmm.
*spikes punch and leaves*

P.S He said Sara. HE SAID SARA.


msgenevieve June 25 2008, 13:45:02 UTC
Alpacas! Of course. *snorts*



chatty_cat June 25 2008, 13:44:50 UTC
I actually saw this promo on Fox last night while I was watching Hell's Kitchen, and as I mentioned in a comment on burntcircles lj, I did a happy dance! *g*

I would agree that it is definitely Michael at the pier, and the other guy does resemble Mahone a lot. My only other thought is that maybe it is T-bag? He is wearing his new spiffy hat after all. LOL

I do not think that that is Sucre's baby. Even TPTB can not think they could get away with messing with the time-line that much! I think that it is either Theresa's baby, or someone we haven't even seen yet's baby. Sort of like, someone got thrown into the middle and they are getting them uninvolved or whatever.

Oh, I think I died as well when Michael said Sara! I agree that it might not be when he sees her, in face I don't think it is. They would not give away THAT scene in a promo clip, would they? But it so does not matter!


msgenevieve June 25 2008, 13:49:31 UTC
It's been a frustrating two days, because people had mentioned seeing it on TWoP, but no one had put up a link so we poor non-USA people were foaming at the mouth waiting for it, lol! *g*

I'm pretty sure that's Mahone at the pier, if only because a bucket hat has a very different profile to a panama hat, which is what Teddy is sporting. *g*

I am really hoping that's not Sucre's baby. I mean, someone must be keeping track of the timeline, right? Right?

I'm conflicted over the Michael scene. He's certainly emotional about something - perhaps he was hoping to find her in that room but there's no one there? - but I agree, I'm not sure if Fox would release such a pivotal moment so soon. But as you said, like it matters, right? *dances*


chatty_cat June 25 2008, 13:53:21 UTC
You have sold me on Mahone! I bow to your observational powers. *g*

I do think that it is not Sucre's baby, (just repeating myself here LOL). Someone is keeping track, even if they need to keep track a bit better. :) I mean they didn't want to include Sarah's pregnancy because it couldn't be Michael's baby because it had only been 8 weeks, so why would they go so far askew? It's someone else's baby.

As for the Michael scene, I think that that scene and anything to do with Sara are completely unrelated and they just put them together. That is just me though. However, like I said before I could care less. *dances with you*


recycledfaery June 25 2008, 13:46:43 UTC
Oh good lord above i am not going to make it until September rolls around. What are these people doing to us?
I have nothing more to say, I am now speechless.


msgenevieve June 25 2008, 13:53:05 UTC
I know, I know.

You are without speech? OHNOES. Are there goosebumps too?


recycledfaery June 25 2008, 14:19:13 UTC
ha! goosebumps! warm fuzzy feeling in the pit of my stomach, because of the you know what scene. eyes as big as saucers, unable to blink.
Heartbeat eratically.
ok enough already. ^^
goes back to watch the clip again...


greyskygirl June 25 2008, 13:47:04 UTC
The way he breathes out her name just kills me. And I'm with you: I don't much care whether it's clever editing or really their reunion, that moment is going to be thud-worthy.

I have the squeeing and flailing down, but if they keep up with promos like this, the breathing is going to get progressively more difficult. GEESH. September 1 is far too far away.


msgenevieve June 25 2008, 13:50:45 UTC
The way he says her name *never* fails to make me make strange little dolphin-like noises. LOL.

There's still 68 days to go. Yikes.


muldy June 25 2008, 13:51:53 UTC
I thought this season was going to flash forward and then back...so if it is Sucre's baby then maybe it's like...7 months later or whatever.


msgenevieve June 25 2008, 13:52:33 UTC
You're a very smart girl. *g*


muldy June 25 2008, 13:55:14 UTC
Was just a thought ;-)

Also the person running with Michael could be Sucre.

It looks so California haha, with the mountains in the background and the desert...yup, totally California like. How odd.


msgenevieve June 25 2008, 13:57:07 UTC
It was a very good thought.

What do you mean California? They're totally in Panama. Just like M*A*S*H* totally looked like Korea, not like California.


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