May 04, 2006 17:23
This is her third congressional hearing this week. Yesterday she was a twelve year old missing his lower legs, tomorrow she'll be a dock worker with fungus growing in his lungs, but right now, she's deliciously blue again.
The boys are out on assignment. She doesn't expect them back for another three days. For once, she has the entire lair to
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*smoothing his hair* "That's the thing that's always pissed me off about you. That attitude. You never take responsibility for anything. At least I didn't inherit your parenting skills. My foster daughter had a very good life while I had her."
He makes some tea and sips it.
"She's gone now. She found her real parent."
"So, how have you been?"
She ignores the dig about fostering not being "real" parenting.
"I'm well. My business always improves 18 months before a national election. In facat, the boys are out on assignment tonight, or I suppose the lot of you would've destroyed my lair. Again."
He dumps the rest of the tea and passes the table.
"I'll leave you to plot whatever evil you usually do, mother. I really must be going before I decide to vaporize this place."
She walks him out. It's time to upgrade the security again.
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