A Big Hunk of Nobody Cares

Mar 14, 2009 20:55

Well, I've seen several various posts lately on various LJs, which showed that many people have a vehement dislike of Angel. I personally like Angel, and I'd like to write an essay on why I like him. Problem is, I'm shooting blind, here. I can guess at reasons why folks don't like him, but I'd like to know what takes the cake. In fact, I'm sure ( Read more... )

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Comments 38

xc_runner50 March 15 2009, 03:02:55 UTC
I uh actually don't hate Angel, Kind of have a man crush on the big lug of tard, sure he does seem to have a hero complex, he does brood....98.7 percent of the time, but it's the is he evil, is he good, I do think he can be goofy, he can be a good person, and so much more that I like about him. Honestly I like the interaction between him and Spike, not in a oh I want them to hook up and make babies together. But the you want to start annoying other people, thing they have going on. This is all coming from a guy who loves, Spike and Spike/Buffy pairing. Also I am a Angel/Connor shipper for the Father/Son type :). I love stories where Angel is with any other ladies than Buffy, like faith, Cordy, Willow, Darla, Nina whomever, (or males even).


henriettaholden March 15 2009, 03:29:11 UTC
I love Angel, especially once he gets onto his own show. Season two always breaks me becuase Buffy!pain hurts. But it's brilliant to watch how different the characters DB plays when he reverts to Angelus. So I'm a lover. Sorry, can't help. But really Riley and Kennedy and Dawn....NEVER. :P


2maggie2 March 15 2009, 03:58:17 UTC
It's funny. When I watched through the first time, I liked him well enough. He was dull (compared to Spike!), but you know, I was sad when he and Buffy split up; I loved what he did with Faith; I liked his earnestness. I rooted for him all the way ( ... )


beloved_77 March 15 2009, 04:05:56 UTC
I don't like Angel because:

1. He's as dull as a table lamp
2. He broods too much (and it's not even in a nice self-reflective way)
3. He has a hero complex, and no one thinks he's more of a hero than himself.
4. He was condescending and patronizing toward Buffy, which, yes, she was technically a child; but when one dates children, one should learn to treat them like equals :-P He was also kind of creepy with the "falling in love with her" while she was a young teenager with a sucker in her mouth :shiver:
5. He had his chance to be with Buffy--which is what he claimed to have wanted for years--and he gave it up because he didn't want to give up his own hero status, and he didn't even have the balls to admit the truth about it or even that he didn't want to be with her anymore. Spineless self-martyring bastard.
6. Hmm...Oh, yeah, he's not Spike. 'Nuff said. ;-)


jacobs_muse March 15 2009, 04:22:45 UTC
I LIKE Angel, too!!!!

I only met him in season 3 reruns before s4/s1 started, so I had no Angelus issues. Really liked him on his own show.


jacobs_muse March 15 2009, 04:29:34 UTC
Re-watching Angel last year really reminded me of all his nuances....when you just watch (and I was taking notes on all the episodes for fic research), he's a fully-layered person. He smiles more than people give him credit for, he's sweeter than people give him credit for, he feels more than people give him credit for.....and he's learning how to be human again. Sure, there are times I want to knock the big lug upside the head and say "Stop! Think about that for a minute!", but I love him. (Had a massive crush on DB before he got married, too, LOL.)


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