James Marsters' Spike Comic

Nov 23, 2013 14:46

Don't know what's gone on over here, but the details of the standalone Spike comic have been released via this interview, and I have to say that I think it stinks.

Folks are up in arms because the Spike fans think that James is pissing on the character, and the James fans think that the Spike fans are jealous of James' wife...Yeah, okay.

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wtf, spike, spike fans, fandom etiquette, comics

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Comments 20

shapinglight November 23 2013, 21:26:52 UTC
You're quite right saying people are talking past each other on that thread. Thanks for sticking up for the Spuffy 'shippers.

My own opinion is that James just has this story he wants to tell about Spike that those of us who've been to his fan events have heard many times, has probably not thought nearly as much about what happened in the show as fans have, not to mention isn't - and probably never was - invested in Spuffy (we know he didn't enjoy a lot of the stuff he was made to do while filming the relationship). He probably has no inkling that setting this story where in the timeline it's set (which, from what Allie said in his interview wasn't actually his final decision anyway) would be problematic to anyone.

It's a pity. I'm sure it will be enjoyable and look nice, but because of the decision to set it where it's set, you're right. It does look like yet more 'shipper/fan baiting from Dark Horse of the group they've picked on the most since these stupid comics started.


fenchurche November 24 2013, 02:38:57 UTC
It really would have made MUCH more sense to set it after AtS, and nearly any time during the earlier comics. It wouldn't have been hard at all to wedge it in there.

That said, I've heard him talk about the idea and I understand what he's trying to do with it, but really... it's just one more example showing that JM doesn't truly understanding what the fans love about the character.


ms_scarletibis November 24 2013, 17:37:19 UTC
Thanks for sticking up for the Spuffy 'shippers.

Someone had to do it ;)

I was through with the comics ages ago...then again, it might be fun to "remix" the pictures. I'm looking forward to that more than the actual text, honestly.


rahirah November 23 2013, 22:47:37 UTC
Dear lord. It's just James writing self-insert fanfic. It'll probably be a cute story (and it if follows the plot James has mentioned in the past, Spike does not get the girl.) People are making way too much of this.


shipperx November 24 2013, 02:37:46 UTC
^ This.


jacobs_muse November 24 2013, 09:33:43 UTC
Yep. It's a simple little idea and a one-off comic. No big deal.


ms_scarletibis November 24 2013, 17:40:04 UTC
Spuffy Latino took point over there, but I think the general feel is there shouldn't be any girl at that point in time. I'll agree. However, I stopped letting the comics make me upset ages ago :p

Also, when James first told me that story...I think it's better suited for a fan fic post rather than an official comic D: But yes, I'll read before officially judging.


red_satin_doll November 24 2013, 03:51:12 UTC
Nothing will be worse than space!frak with grossly OOC Angel.


put on a bug ship that was a metaphor for his fans (a loyal bunch of roach beetles, basically--nifty comparison! Not),

Is THAT what that was all the fuck about?


rahirah November 24 2013, 04:56:25 UTC
Well, some readers interpreted it that way. I'm not sure Dark Horse put that much thought into it beyond "Space roaches are funny!" (Personally, I'm fond of the bugs.)


ms_scarletibis November 24 2013, 17:44:28 UTC
That's how some (including myself, because why not insult Spike fans, which has been the norm for ages?) have seen it ;)


red_satin_doll November 24 2013, 17:58:01 UTC
I just thought the entire scenario was bizarre - but given the context....whatever......

Btw I didn't realize that JM fandom and spike fandom were't one and the same thing


eilowyn November 24 2013, 08:48:42 UTC
I've reached my peace with Dark Horse. I feel like that hippie kid you went to school with who smoked so much weed it made him absolutely cool with everyone. Indulge James by allowing him to totally fuck up season 7? Cool with it. I'm sure there's some death of the author reason why I've reached this state, but I just want to get high and let Scott Allie do whatever the fuck he wants.

Edit: Excellent choice in icon, btw.


ms_scarletibis November 24 2013, 17:46:53 UTC

As I think I've reached my piece as well. Not where you are (but oh boy, I want to be!), but I'm curious to see the digital version, and then I want to change it. I've found this frisson of excitement at the idea of changing the text. Can't wait!

Also, thanks for the icon comment. I pondered which one would be most appropriate, and that one worked in multiple ways ;)


jacobs_muse November 24 2013, 09:39:06 UTC
Don't have much feeling about it at all. James has had a little idea for a long time. He only got it turned into a comic because of contacts....otherwise he just would've written it and probably kept it to himself like he does his other writing.

As for the contents of the comic - we don't know how the plot really plays out until it's released, so I'm not going to get worked up about "a possible love interest" in it. Allie says it's in s7, so if it's after Spike is "passing time" around town, then it falls in line. Yeah, Spike loves her, but it isn't until she has his chip taken out that he really knows they're on good terms again, so a nice lady showing him some human kindness....yeah, he'll appreciate that.


ms_scarletibis November 24 2013, 18:06:48 UTC
Well, he does say "love interest" and that she dumps him. It's at the beginning of s7, after he gets back from Africa and pre-school basement, so it doesn't fall in line (to me). Not that I care about the comics, but it's just wrong in oh so many ways :/


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