"School Hard"--a few thoughts.

Oct 07, 2009 23:13

Well, maybe it's mostly just the one.

I before I went to D*C this year, I did a rewatch of "School Hard."  And I realize that there have been tons of discussions, musings and meta on this already (or at least, I think there have...seems like there's been)--

*Xander finding tampons in Buffy's purse + "Fee, fie, foe, fum.  I smell the blood of a nice ( Read more... )

musing, spike, season 2

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Comments 15

mulder200 October 8 2009, 05:32:56 UTC
Hm. This reminds me I need to rewatch that eps. again. I have it on the "Spike: Love Is Hell" dvd.

Still, it just shows that even in the beginning Spike stood out.


ms_scarletibis October 8 2009, 19:21:49 UTC
Yes, Spike mos def stood out.

In fact, I probably wouldn't even be in this fandom had Spike not been able to come back and stick around...just saying.


rebcake October 8 2009, 06:23:10 UTC
*flail* School Hard! School Hard! School Hard! I lurve this ep, and have watched it more times than any other, and won't tell you how many. You pretty much hit the high points of the key moments that all seem like foreshadowing in retrospect, but there's one more:

"No, Spike, it's gonna hurt a lot."

Truer words...


ms_scarletibis October 8 2009, 19:23:37 UTC
Dag nabbit....that was an uber important one too.

Yeah--"School Hard" was like the beginning for me :D


ssddgr October 8 2009, 07:22:53 UTC
Spike made being a vampire cool.

And he'll always be a synonym of coolness to me.


ms_scarletibis October 8 2009, 19:24:39 UTC
That, and sexy...Ahem.

Right you are, my friend :D


trepkos October 8 2009, 08:27:32 UTC
Yes, I've always loved those red slashes on their cheeks.
It's like their destinies were linked even then.


ms_scarletibis October 8 2009, 19:27:09 UTC
Yeah, I heard it was done purposely by the costumers or something?


moscow_watcher October 8 2009, 09:03:31 UTC
And not in the way Angel was an anti-vampire, what with his human conscience via his soul, but anti as in...traditional.

... like Buffy was an anti-slayer, because she did everything her way.

Yes, they definitely were a pair of lemons from the very beginning. :)


ms_scarletibis October 8 2009, 19:29:03 UTC
Ah, yes--

That certainly wasn't in the brochure--a slayer with family and friends...

I'm pretty sure that's a direct quote...that's what I remember him saying anyway :P


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