My Daddy

Feb 25, 2007 11:04

I am not writing this for sympathy of any kind. Instead, I need to see this reality in print, because the last week and a half has been surreal. And if this isn't the proper place to post this, then ignore this. I apologize for taking up space. I've been taking care of my Dad for the last 10 years and last week he passed away. I buried him on ( Read more... )


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Comments 4

albaestranya February 25 2007, 19:58:46 UTC
This post made me cry. Your father must have been such an interesting, loving person and you had such a beautiful relationship with him...

I'm very sorry for your loss.



amandarex February 26 2007, 02:11:22 UTC
I'm very sorry for your loss. Your dad sounds like a wonderful man.


tent_wench February 27 2007, 02:56:13 UTC
That was absolutely breathtakingly touching & beautiful. I am so, so sorry for your loss ... *massive hugs*

And I hope you will continue to come visit us here ... you always have a place to share your thoughts & speak your mind with us!



amazing kandinsky14 April 14 2010, 06:05:16 UTC
I have a notorious habit of researching topics that I am uninformed about. So C, I continue to pursue this in research. I am delighted to say that my suspicions are confirmed, not only are you a walking, talking, feeling human being as you appear to be- you are also an especially significant one. You see the past and the future at the same time. Seems to me, after reading the tidbits and encounters between your father and yourself,you are utilizing these bites of wisdom to humanities advantage subconsciously. I believe, you are truly your parents success- they are BOTH looking down on you and proud. Your lineage was brought this far along in history for an all encompassing, simple, complicated, poignant reason. I see their conclusion being simply stated- you are to LIVE!and BE HAPPY! Otherwise, what was the point? Amazing, you all are!


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