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Comments 6

tent_wench February 13 2007, 18:50:39 UTC
No Claude in last night's ep you say? In a strange way this comes as good news to me personally *only* in the sense that I didn't get to watch it last night anyway ~ so at least I didn't miss any juicy big screen moments with 'Claude'. I am going to hit the Heroes website later and watch the ep anyway just to keep up with the storyline, though, as the show's really been growing on me since I began watching it.

Yes, very curious to see what this mysterious personal transformation will be for 'Claude' ...


tent_wench February 15 2007, 18:45:38 UTC
So how did you make out with the snow? Are you buried? We got some here but only about 8 inches, which after the dire warnings we were getting didn't really amount to much after all was said and done.

I did get to watch 'Run' on the NBC Heroes site yesterday ... and holy shit, what an exciting episode. I missed seeing Chris again but I've really been getting pulled into the storyline since watching the show after he joined the cast. Thank GOD it is available to watch on the net as we don't have a cable TV signal at the moment.

And I am loving Hiro and Ando ... they are so damned adorable.


ms_sardonicus February 16 2007, 04:22:12 UTC
Yes...we got quite a bit of snow here in Chicago. Because of Lake Michigan, we get that nasty lake effect snow. But wouldn't you know it...there was no snow day here for Chicago Public Schools. I am a teacher, so I was really bummed about having to go to work. After an hour and a half on the expressway (that's an oxymoron), I finally made it to work ( ... )


tent_wench February 16 2007, 04:41:13 UTC
Ew, sorry about not being able to enjoy a snow day ... not fair. And, yes, expressway *is* an oxymoron ... *lol*

Chris & Eddie Izzard have some of the best screen chemistry I've seen; you won't be disappointed.

As for finding a copy of 'Jude', I just received the copy I ordered off Amazon last week. But now you've got me thinking ... I hope to hell this is isn't in some European format that I can't watch ... that would just be a gigantic, square suck pill of epic proportions. Mike's trying to sleep in here or else I'd pop it in now to satisfy my now highly peaked curiosity. If you hear a blood curdling scream of agony, you'll know why.

As for the YouTube synopsis of Jude, you can send me the link but I just won't watch it until after I've seen the film. :) Txs!


tent_wench February 16 2007, 04:45:50 UTC
Also, I'd love to discuss the 3 films you mentioned sometime ... I haven't watched 'Second Coming' yet but will probably do so in the next week or so.

And you're going to *love* Chris in 'Othello' ... I'm very glad I bought my own copy as I'm sure I'll be watching that many more times; it is that good. Can't wait to hear what you think after you watch it!


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