My mum was just flicking through the channels and I spotted Christopher and His Kind was on. I made her stop on it just in time to see Matt Smith engage in some rather rigorous and graphic sex with a strapping young man.
The Music Meme. Done over three days instead of thirty because I just don't think I have the patience/would probably forget about it over a full month.
Without music, life would be an error - Friedrich Nietzsche
How did I never realise how gay this was... Fabulous secret powers were revealed to me the day I held aloft my magic sword! Most loltastic 80s children's tv opener? I think so.
Feel like I've stepped into the Twilight Zone. I actually really enjoyed the new Harry Potter film. It was awesome. Bit grim for the sea of five year olds sat in front of me, but never mind. Can't win 'em all. That is all :-)
Go home clouds! Nobody wants you and nobody loves you. You messed up the auroras, you have messed up the meteors, you have messed up all of summer. I am not talking to you.